
Showing posts from October, 2009

30th of October - Awoo !

First of all ! I wanna wish my dear friend and son, Siok Woon a happy happy happy birthday! Daddi ish so proud of you :3 Hmm, I first met her at Standard 3 and I always called her Professor. Don't ask me why. And then we weren't really close but we still talked. Then we went to the same secondary school and ended up at the same class. She was the only one who I was the closest to and we spent happy memories together along with Hana too <3 And then when we went up to Form 2, we decided to have our own family. I am the father(don't ask me why), Hana as the loving mother, and Siok Woon as our son. Hwey Xien as my little sister and Jastina as her EX-adopted son :D It makes no sense but who cares ! And then this came from no where. I am the cow, Hana as a cat, Siok Woon as a wolf. So I go MOO, Hana go MIAO, SW go AWOO ~ Hwey Xien just recently became a goat and she goes MEHHH ~ Jastina, we still have no idea what animal she is but I think it's either the crow or the toad.

Jump, Spin, Stretch, FUN !

Can you believe this is Kaito? KYAAAHHHH XDDD --- Haven't post something about dancing for a long time. Wheeee. Totally forgot about it. I skipped my first ballet class and attended the later one because I wasn't feeling well. Excuse was my mother can't fetch me. But my teacher didn't ask and I don't care. So I went in minutes earlier because I wanted to warm up and it's strange stretching while watching people dancing in the class I am supposed to be in. I feel kinda guilty ._. My teacher was telling them to jump higher in a Pa de Chat position. And she called the boys to lift them up. Luckily I didn't attend that class :D Then we had our Advanced 1 class but teacher decided to give us free work. That means teacher say what, we have to do what. According to what she says, some of the the works she gave us are Advanced 2 standard. Eks. Barre was okay. I don't really remember anything about it. Except for an Adage exercise. Adage : A french word meanin

The 87th Post :)

I haven't been active updating my blog, uhhh. I haven't got anything interesting happening lately so, mehh. --- Exam is just around the corner and if you are unlucky, you will crash into it! But anyway, you will still crash to it! :D It's the year end exam and it's coming like an F1 car crashing into you! My brother stopped watching F1 already O.o This year they say they will arrange the classes unlike last year, where they just go to the morning session without changing classes. That means, we really have to fight for the positions. That means I am doomed! BOOM. I am worried because I'm not smart like my friends and there are many aliens from space who are super genius that are unbeatable in my class. UNBEATABLE. I don't want to drop to B class because, I don't wanna. @@ Going to study like mad! If I CAN study like mad, I guess I won't online like always. D: --- Vocaloid and Niconico singers are in my mind and I can't seem to shake them off. I keep


I pity you, for living in a reality world. It must be too hard for you, and much easier in YOUR world, huh? Selfish, hot-tempered, SICK. You're the worst. I wouldn't mind seeing you disappear. PERISH and be gone, bastard. Every single word your stupid mouth says, hurts every single soul. How about tasting your own medicine? The one that made so many people suffer. Grow up little child ! Throw away your sick and childish attitude. After you succeed doing that, I would pat your dumb head. But you'll never do it, I BET ON IT. Pitiful soul you are. Useless, disgusting piece of junk. Make your way to the garbage bin! I hope you don't need our guide. Terrible, heartless, evil, wouldn't be enough to describe a demon like you. --- I pity you, for not having a headset. Sure is noisy, and you couldn't cover your ears. Stay away from there, like me. And don't mind in people's business. And of course, try not to explode. --- I pity you, deep in my heart. Suffering f

Picking the Steps Again

LALALA. I haven't update anything about Audition, right? --- I haven't played Audition for a long time(for me), because I reformated my computer. And you know, the whole Audition file is almost 2 GB or maybe more, so I was lazy to download. 3ORMAYBEMOREDAMNHOURSMANTHREETHREETREEEEE. So I asked my friends for the file and sometimes, we couldn't get the chance and so I didn't get as early as I wanted. After I got the files and when I can finally get into the game, then the modem problem got into the way. STUPIDMAXIS. Like I say on the previous post, they kept delaying and didn't come to my house to repair it. STUPID, LAZY, DUMB MAXIS. >_> On Friday, finally they came and fixed it. And didn't take more than 30 minutes to fix it, but they made us wait for like, SIX HORRIBLE DAYS. Back to Audition. My skill dropped horribily. I couldn't move my fingers fast and my brain couldn't interpret fast enough when I see the chance keys. Worse of all, I still co

Soundproof Walls

PISSED OFF by the super poor customer service Maxis has. There was a problem with my modem and we called for help. They said they will fix it on Tuesday but when Tuesday arrives, they didn't come. My mother called them again and then the STUPID MALAY WORKER THERE FORGET TO SUBMIT OUR ORDER. I don't want to be rude but THIS? Oh, you crossed the line. So my mother went to the Maxis centre on Wednesday when I went ice-skating with my friends. The girl there people will come and fix our modem on the next day. OHH, BUT NOO. THEY DIDN'T COME AT ALL. She told us they will come on Thursday. BUT THEY DELAYED AGAIN. WHAT THE FISH IS GOING ON? IS IT SO HARD TO FOLLOW ORDERS AND COME TO OUR HOUSE? FRIDAY. They called and said they will come on SATURDAY. Luckily my mother refused and told them to come immediately. Then when the repairman finally came and fix the problem. At least, I can go online now. DIE MAXIS SERVICE DIE! --- Because the whole picture was long, I had to cut it into a

The Story of Evil

My modem is broken. I just get to play Audition and now I can't play it. The repairman is coming on Tuesday. I can only play offline games for now ._. --- The Story of Evil was presented by songs. It consists four songs sang by two vocaloid - Kagamine Len and Rin. They are not actually siblings but reflection of mirrors. Search Google for more information. The Kagamine twins - very cute. Vocaloid is a singing synthesizer application software developed by the Yamaha Corporation that enables users to synthesize singing by typing in lyrics and melody. So it means machines are singing. The first vocaloid I heard was Hatsune Miku introduced by PE. I wasn't really into it though. Except for the song DEAR. Then, my SF guild member introduced a manga and I got to know this pair of twins. On to the story ! The Story of Evil consists - Daugther of Evil, Servant of Evil, Message of Regret and Re_Birthday. Basically, it's a story about Rin, the evil princess of the Yellow Kingdom an