The Story of Evil

My modem is broken. I just get to play Audition and now I can't play it. The repairman is coming on Tuesday. I can only play offline games for now ._.


The Story of Evil was presented by songs. It consists four songs sang by two vocaloid - Kagamine Len and Rin. They are not actually siblings but reflection of mirrors. Search Google for more information.

The Kagamine twins - very cute.

Vocaloid is a singing synthesizer application software developed by the Yamaha Corporation that enables users to synthesize singing by typing in lyrics and melody. So it means machines are singing.

The first vocaloid I heard was Hatsune Miku introduced by PE. I wasn't really into it though. Except for the song DEAR. Then, my SF guild member introduced a manga and I got to know this pair of twins.

On to the story !

The Story of Evil consists - Daugther of Evil, Servant of Evil, Message of Regret and Re_Birthday.

Basically, it's a story about Rin, the evil princess of the Yellow Kingdom and her servant, Len. They were separated for some reasons and Len wasn't able to be a prince but stayed to serve Rin. And then they met some troubles. Up to you to find out :P

The arts drawn in the video is nice to see and I love them so much! The picture below was drawn by another person and it only has one version. To be honest, I preferred this version.

The Yellow Kingdom's Princess (Rin) and her servant (Len)

▼ Daughter of Evil (Performed by Kagamine Rin) ▼

▼ Servant of Evil (Performed by Kagamine Len) ▼

▼ Message of Regret (Performed by Kagamine Rin) ▼

▼ Re_Birthday (Performed by Kagamine Len) ▼

It's a sad and touching story, worth wasting your time if you like vocaloids or something like romance or nice drawn art.



Miri Elric said…
OHH!! I love it this story is sooo good!!

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