
I pity you, for living in a reality world.
It must be too hard for you,
and much easier in YOUR world, huh?

Selfish, hot-tempered, SICK.
You're the worst.
I wouldn't mind seeing you disappear.
PERISH and be gone, bastard.

Every single word your stupid mouth says,
hurts every single soul.
How about tasting your own medicine?
The one that made so many people suffer.

Grow up little child !
Throw away your sick and childish attitude.
After you succeed doing that, I would pat your dumb head.
But you'll never do it, I BET ON IT.

Pitiful soul you are.
Useless, disgusting piece of junk.
Make your way to the garbage bin!
I hope you don't need our guide.

Terrible, heartless, evil,
wouldn't be enough to describe a demon like you.


I pity you, for not having a headset.
Sure is noisy, and you couldn't cover your ears.
Stay away from there, like me.
And don't mind in people's business.

And of course, try not to explode.


I pity you, deep in my heart.
Suffering from hurtful words,
breaking your strong heart.
And putting them back again, and again.

No matter how bad the disaster is,
you always stood there,
looking at the horrible results,
but you still stood there.

I wonder how can you bare it?
I couldn't handle it myself.
I wouldn't give mercy.
I respect you, but sometimes I couldn't understand.

Having no support,
no one by your side.
You fought like a warrior,
a brave one.

But sometimes the world isn't fair.
It hurts to see you like that.
It's too much for you,
and for everyone.


I pity you, for being so far away.
You don't know what's going on,
when did it happened.

I don't know how you feel,
but it must be painful.
Worrying about almost everything,
you told me that before, too.


Hatred and anger,
that's all in my heart.

I can't take it anymore,
that stupid thing in my life.
It's supposed to be gone,



Expressing out my true colours, it's such a wonderful thing to do :)


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