Picking the Steps Again

LALALA. I haven't update anything about Audition, right?


I haven't played Audition for a long time(for me), because I reformated my computer. And you know, the whole Audition file is almost 2 GB or maybe more, so I was lazy to download.


So I asked my friends for the file and sometimes, we couldn't get the chance and so I didn't get as early as I wanted.

After I got the files and when I can finally get into the game, then the modem problem got into the way. STUPIDMAXIS.

Like I say on the previous post, they kept delaying and didn't come to my house to repair it. STUPID, LAZY, DUMB MAXIS. >_> On Friday, finally they came and fixed it. And didn't take more than 30 minutes to fix it, but they made us wait for like, SIX HORRIBLE DAYS. Back to Audition.

My skill dropped horribily. I couldn't move my fingers fast and my brain couldn't interpret fast enough when I see the chance keys. Worse of all, I still couldn't past my Level 20 License. Damn.

Anyway, xHirohata is doing fine and he just leveled up to Lvl 11 today. His clothes never fail to amuse me *__*

xHirohata loves xHanamiru <3

Hana so pro in chance liao ~

I didn't really use my xSnowCone account because I can't level up. And seeing the experience bar shining 100% makes me mad, because I can't pass it ;_;

Today I used my xHirohata and decided to try for the license requirements :

Score : 390k, Perfects : 20, xPerfects : x1, Mode : Freestyle Battle, Song : Funky Town (130bpm)

The problem I am facing is the perfects. I couldn't get more than 15.

So I was playing xHirohata and I managed to chain x6 and x5 on different rounds. And on the second round I got 26 perfects and succesfully passed the requirement. I was excited.


I switched to xSnowCone and wasted 1900 dens for a try. You know what, I failed.

I don't know what's happening but I cannot get perfects in that song. Is it the girl character I am using looking at xHirohata for so long or is it the map that changed? Normally in Freestyle Battle I can get perfects ~_~

DAMN I WAS SO FRUSTRATED. I wish I can get serious in studies like this :P

I don't wish to hack, as I feel guilty passing license not by my own skills. Besides, I don't have hack now.

Anyway, I had nothing to do and decided to ask you all something. (Only PE, Hana, Kitty are looking at these and giving comments, right? Man, I love you guys.)

Non-Audi players or Audi players please just take a look at this question and give an answer, I wish for some feedback!

Click to enlarge the picture.

In this picture there are lots of girls, right? Pweetay, pweetay ladehs. And each of them have a number on their heads.

Among of all of these ladies, there's one I like a lot. Can you guess which is it? HOHO.

v Some answers, pwease? v


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