Jump, Spin, Stretch, FUN !

Can you believe this is Kaito? KYAAAHHHH XDDD
Haven't post something about dancing for a long time. Wheeee. Totally forgot about it.

I skipped my first ballet class and attended the later one because I wasn't feeling well. Excuse was my mother can't fetch me. But my teacher didn't ask and I don't care.

So I went in minutes earlier because I wanted to warm up and it's strange stretching while watching people dancing in the class I am supposed to be in. I feel kinda guilty ._.

My teacher was telling them to jump higher in a Pa de Chat position. And she called the boys to lift them up. Luckily I didn't attend that class :D

Then we had our Advanced 1 class but teacher decided to give us free work. That means teacher say what, we have to do what. According to what she says, some of the the works she gave us are Advanced 2 standard. Eks.

Barre was okay. I don't really remember anything about it. Except for an Adage exercise.

Adage : A french word meaning gently, or at ease. Adage is a series of slow, controlled exercises or movements performed to slow music. Means the works are slow and romantic. And you have to lift your legs high in the air D: My teacher owns in that section and loves to show off LOL.

The exercise she gave us requires a ponche. But we're used to it anyway. Ponche is this.

And then she complaint on how our Ponche sucked :P And she tortured us.

Centre work was fine. I guess. I forgot. LALALA.

There's another exercise that requires us to spin spin spin ~ Teacher even asked us to spin while holding our leg to the side : Boy's work. D:

But teacher requested something I never heard of.

Grand pile is almost like squatting, and then double turn immediately. Did teacher just made that up, or is there really something like that ._.

And to the corner! A travelling exercise. Yay, quite fun.

Sorry that I can't describe the exercise in words and also in drawing ._.

We also did a grand jete exercise which was hard for me. We have to grand jete and then twist and grand jete and twist and so on.

Left side was impossible for me. I keep stopping halfway and starting all over again. The sisters were awesome. Like nothing could beat them down. *admires*

That day was fun. I enjoyed it a lot. WHEE CAN WE DO THAT AGAIN NEXT WEEK? Nahh my teacher would never do that.




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