
Showing posts from November, 2009

Surprise, surprise.

Taa-daa. You don't know what's gonna happen at any moment :) --- I got my allergy test results today. They called me while I was using the computer, GAAAHH. Anyway, I wasn't nervous. Really. The lady gave us papers that were stapled together and showed us the results. I lots of see bar charts, numbers and words ! :O But I must say I wasn't really surprised about the results. The allergens that I'm really sensitive are mites, citrus mix and strangely, GRASS. I searched for Wiki just seconds ago and DARN they have those grass in Malaysia D: I'm glad that crabs and prawns' level of allergy is just 1. Because of the prawns cracker I ate one day, it had bought me into this situation! Like my mother said, maybe the crackers are too concentrated and triggered my allergies. So now, I'm gonna control myself, but I'm still gonna eat crab <3 According to the results, it seems that there's lots of food I have to be careful of. BEEEEF ! Sad to say, I'

When We Cry

Heh, the song in my blog had changed to When They Cry by Rapbit. After googling for this song I am not sure if it's a song or an anime. Hmm, so confusing. --- Humans face everything, everyday for their whole lives. I just read a few blogs and sad to say, it contains unhappy posts. Even my blog have sad posts, but normally I keep them to myself. :D You could be sad for thousands of reasons. It could be something to do with your family, your love, your results, you're stressed out, you lost something precious or just maybe you couldn't get the pair of shoe at the store. Thousands, I mean, MILLIONS of reason. Another sad thing about being sad is it won't go away so easily. Well, that's what I think. Like I just gave away my dog, I cried for it, and I still have that heavy weight at my heart. Things keep getting worse when you keep them to yourself. Same thing like you're supposed to hide everyone from a great news, except it's more painful. But sometimes we jus

Small Update :3

Pas de deux is scary. White Day is updated too, by the way. --- I don't know what should I write ._. Hmm. School has already ended and holidays are starting. Things are going quite well until my Audition patcher faced problems >_> STUPIDARGHDIEDAMNFISH. I went to Hana's house to get the files but while it was patching, I got disconnected and then the problem happened again. I'm downloading Steps now. Saaaaaaaaaaaad, huh. Yes, I am already playing Steps with my friend. STEPSISDAMNCONFUSINGWITHLOTSOFCHINESEWORDS. D: --- I finally said goodbye to my love. I gave away my dog because of my brother's allergy. Damn >_> I remember the first time I saw her was at a pet shop at Bandar Puteri. I wanted her so much and my family did bought her for RM350. I remember it precisely. It's been four years since we bought her in our home. I have to admit she has been spoiled but she has always been a good dog. It's sad to let her go. --- Computer isn't going to be

19th of November - 2A's Gathering

Since it's another ice-skating gathering I don't really wanna talk about it. It's just that there are more people like my classmates and PE and and her friends. Oh, the some things posted here are not true. --- Yi Enn had new hair cut :3 Chuo Han and Zhe Kin straighten their hair too. A lot of people skate and some had forgot how to skate.. I missed her <3 Someone wanted money when we're eating KFC. I didn't eat Cheesey Wedges ): And then we went to arcade . And bowling. But we girls didn't play. Before we went home, Yuri and I bought comics. Took it when the boys were bowling. Got it from Yi Vien <3 Dengeki Daisy 1,2,3 in my hands. But I think I read them all.. --- I'm an Audition addict so what ! It's not like I am taking drugs and I am gonna die! I love this game and it's what I spend time with it ! You haven't even seen those crazy addicts out there who spent 24 hours in front of the computer looking at Audition!

Kimi ni Todoke

Breaking the walls, and reaching you. --- I found this manga when I actually wanted to click on Kimi ga Suki (Kimi no Todoke was below it) and glad that destiny made me read it :) It's another story like Koko ni Iru Yo! The main character wants to step out from the shadows and be friends with everyone, but to me Kimi ni Todoke seems less painful than what I have seen in Koko ni Iru Yo!. Are the manga names too confusing for you all? Surprisingly, destiny made another encounter between me and the ANIME of Kimi ni Todoke. Thanks to Jason who gave me the link when I actually wanted to see the anime Fairy Tail. Yes, Fairy Tail finally airs its anime! I only got to know that after a month later ;_; I guess the synopsis for both anime and manga are the same. Synopsis: Kuronuma Sawako’s one wish in life is to make friends. That’s a difficult proposition when everyone who meets this high school student cowers in terror! She just wants to be like her classmate Kazehaya-kun, a laid-back, e

13th of November - Last Day of School

Time goes by, and now we're ending our Form 2's life. --- The day started with drizzling rain pouring down to the ground. It was just a small rain so it was fine. I looked at the clock hanged at my house's wall. Its minute finger slowing going around the clock. I was hoping it would strike on noon as fast as possible. It's way early to go to school with Elizabeth, but our mothers wanted to go shopping, I think? Sorry Elizabeth, for making you wait at school D: I was greeted by my fellow 2A classmate and followed by a disastrous message. " The party was canceled !? " Marn Yee, the super smart prefect explained that no food has arrived and teacher doesn't seem to be at school. It was the worst thing that could happen today. My heart can't seem to accept it. I tried knocking the negative thoughts and moved aside. But then Amanda and Kimberly grabbed my hand and whisper into my ear. " It's a lie. The only one who doesn't know the situation is

Left 4 Dead 2

Let's kick some zombie ass. --- This 17th of November, L4D2 is going to be released ! But for now, L4D2 Demo is available and my brother so desperate to play it until he downloaded the Spanish version ! XD For those who don't know L4D, it's like another shooting game killing infected zombies. But there are also special infected zombies that have special abilities than any other normal zombies. That's why it's fun. :D Let's get on with my introduction to L4D2, shall we? The new L4D2 means new zombies, new map, and of course new players. So say goodbye to Bill, Francis, Louis and Zoey, and say hello to Coach, Ellis, Nick and Rochelle. From left, Nick, Rochelle, Coach and Ellis. Some character introductions ~ : COACH - A high-school football coach with a bad knee. ELLIS - A (super-handsome) mechanic. NICK - A gambler and a conman. ROCHELLE - A news reporter for a local TV station. And I grabbed this information from Wikipedia : In addition to the four playab

Double Birthday

It's waaaaay to early wish them happy birthday but I would like to do it now because I am facing exam now and my mother won't let me touch the computer on weekdays ): Happy birthday to XngEr korkor and NoObOi didi ~ ♥ ♥ 11.11.09 ♥ Yes, their date of birth land on the same date and surprisingly they are my kor and di. :D I love you boths ! <3 Well, I met them both at online games :x One at O2Jam and another at AuditionSEA. Ahh good times. I still get in contact with my di but my kor, he's an adult so he's busy =/ Sawwiee I can't give presents x.x One's at Singapore and another one, I am not really sure :x Anyway, Happy Birthday to my lovely "brothers" ! ♥ PE YOU WISH XNGER WISHES TOO ! --- Anyone noticed the changes at my blog? I hope so. Surprised to see a huge pink-haired girl crying suddenly appeared replacing the my drawings? I was lazy to draw, mehhhh. I wasn't really happy with the previous drawing and I didn't actually wanted the song

1st of November - Day After Halloween

Changed my layout and my music to Romeo and Cinderella by Nodoame. The song was originalled sung by Hatsune Miku but Nodoame, a guy, sung it so well. :) I don't really understand the lyrics of the song because there were lots of different translations. But I think it's about a girl and uhhhh, I am not sure. --- I always thought that the 30th of October was Halloween but I guess I was wrong all along. I searched Wkipedia just too make sure >_> 30th of October was my friend's birthday and also the last day of my Rhythmic and Gymnastic lessons. Saaaad D: Everyone wore black except for me and some people, because they weren't informed about that >_> SAD, HUH. One black sheep, two black sheeps, three black sheeps. The lessons wasn't fun like I expected but oh well. They also bought a cake for our teacher. I guess we won't be seeing her until some time. I remember we were close to another teacher, and we also made a card for her and she also treated us f