Surprise, surprise.

Taa-daa. You don't know what's gonna happen at any moment :)


I got my allergy test results today. They called me while I was using the computer, GAAAHH. Anyway, I wasn't nervous. Really.

The lady gave us papers that were stapled together and showed us the results. I lots of see bar charts, numbers and words ! :O But I must say I wasn't really surprised about the results.

The allergens that I'm really sensitive are mites, citrus mix and strangely, GRASS. I searched for Wiki just seconds ago and DARN they have those grass in Malaysia D:

I'm glad that crabs and prawns' level of allergy is just 1. Because of the prawns cracker I ate one day, it had bought me into this situation! Like my mother said, maybe the crackers are too concentrated and triggered my allergies. So now, I'm gonna control myself, but I'm still gonna eat crab <3

According to the results, it seems that there's lots of food I have to be careful of. BEEEEF ! Sad to say, I'm a little sensitive to cats and dogs. Others, I don't care :D


Going to perform at The Curve tomorrow evening. ._. Haa, first time performing at the evening :D

Well, I wanted to have it as a surprise but I don't think my friends would go as far as The Curve to see my performance, so I'm showing my costume :D

Taadaa. It's not like those classical tutus but it's definitely better than the other costume we had for Christmas performances :D BUT. THERE'S A PROBLEM.

Haha, the costume is too short for my body. If I don't have the strap on the costume, it will definitely show my breast :x I don't think I have male readers here, I think?

Mehh, my friends tried to help me but the strap doesn't help much. I have to buy other straps myself. If not, I have to keep adjusting during the performance. >_> UGH.

This year's Christmas performance is beeeeautiful <3>



44 Odd Things

1. Do you like blue cheese? : If it's cheese I'll try anything :D

2. Have you ever smoked? : Don't even planning to.

3. Do you own a gun? : Naaah :D

4. What was your favourite cordial flavour? : Whut ish dat D:

5. Do you get nervous before Doctor appointments? : Hmm, when I'm small.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? : My canteen. Somehow.

7. Favourite Christmas movie? : The Polar Express? That's the only Xmas movies I seen :D

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? : A cup of hot milo <3

9. Do you do push-ups? : If Miss Gan tells me too @@

10.What's you favourite piece of jewellery? : No jewellery for me :3

11. Favourite hobby? : Drawing :D

12. Do you have A.D.D? : Whut ish dat? D:

13. What's the one thing you hate about yourself? : Sometimes I just have to cold to other people D:

14. Middle name? : JIA. LOL.

15.Name three thoughts at this exact moment? : Lyrcis of a song, Christmas rehearsals, nothing else D:

16.Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? : Water, water, water.

17. Current worry? : About my costume for the performance.

18. Current hate right now? : The fact that I can't play Audition !

19. Favourite place to be? : An amusement park. Wheee.

20.How do you ring in the new year? : Computer.

21.Where would you like to go? : Japan <3

22.Name three people who will complete this? : Someone, somebody, some random kind person.

23.Do you own slipper? : Duh.

24. What colour shirt are you wearing right now? : Dark blue.

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? : Whut ish dat? D:

26. Can you whistle? : Nope.

27. Favourite Colour? : Pink <3

28. Would you be a pirate? : Nope.

29.What songs do you sing in the shower? : Just Be Friends.

30.Favourite girls name? : Nicole <3

31. Favourite boys name? : USUI TAKUMI.

32.What's in your pocket right now? : No pockets here.

33. Last thing that made you laugh? : Yakitate!! Japan. HEH. :D

34. Best bed sheets as a child? : Whut ish dat? D:

35.Worst injury you have ever had? : Don't think I have any serious ones.

36. Do you love where you live? : Yeap <3

37. How many TV's do you have in your house? : 2.

38. Who is your loudest friend? : Kar Yen..?

39. How many dogs do you have? : NONE AT ALL. NO MORE ANYMOREEEEEE.

40. Does someone have a crush on you? : How the hell should I know?

41.What book are you reading at the moment? : Nothing.

42.What's your favourite candy? : I just ate lots of Lot100 candies.

43.What's your favourite sports team? : None :D

44.What song do you want played at your funeral? : Something up beat. At least they won't feel like crying, at least that's what I think.


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