1st of November - Day After Halloween

Changed my layout and my music to Romeo and Cinderella by Nodoame. The song was originalled sung by Hatsune Miku but Nodoame, a guy, sung it so well. :)

I don't really understand the lyrics of the song because there were lots of different translations. But I think it's about a girl and uhhhh, I am not sure.


I always thought that the 30th of October was Halloween but I guess I was wrong all along. I searched Wkipedia just too make sure >_>

30th of October was my friend's birthday and also the last day of my Rhythmic and Gymnastic lessons. Saaaad D:

Everyone wore black except for me and some people, because they weren't informed about that >_> SAD, HUH.

One black sheep, two black sheeps, three black sheeps.

The lessons wasn't fun like I expected but oh well. They also bought a cake for our teacher. I guess we won't be seeing her until some time.

I remember we were close to another teacher, and we also made a card for her and she also treated us for some doughnuts xD And she went to UK or US to study something related to Ballet. Go Miss Angeline! <3

Our super flexible gymnastic pro teacher holding toilet paper :x

The cake.

I guess it's over. Nooo, I still wanna be tortured ;x It's fun, you know? D:


You don't know how it feels to be lonely. You don't understand her, so don't be mean to her, don't feel like you can bully her. I am a passer by, but I know exactly how she feels.


Well, I did go out on Halloween with my family. We had McDonalds and decided to buy Baskin Robbin's ice-cream.

When we were ordering our ice-cream, and we haven't place finish our orders, the girl suddenly disappeared. Strange, huh?

My mom was getting a little angry and asked another girl. I think that girl was the like the "boss" over there because her uniform was different from others. However, she ignored my mother. Then, she told my mother to get a number first with a impatient tone.

My mom told her the story of the disappearing girl and the girl shouted, asking who serves my mother. But nobody saw my mom before, because the girl who DISAPPEARED was the one who served my mom.

My mother got angry and said, " Why is this so slow? Other people already got their ice-creams. " and walked away. I was just behind her.

While walking away, I heard the "boss" saying, "SO SLOW?" She was pissed off for sure, and I am not happy about that. How could you be pissed off by your customers? You should be more pissed off by your disappearing workers, dumb!

Then my mother placed another order with another girl and the girl looked at my mother and sighed. She said, " Penat leh.. " means tired. But she did scoop another ice-cream for us.

FACE IT, YOU ARE WORKERS, SERVING FOR US. Even you are tired, you gotta work. That's how it works, WORK = YOU GET THE MONEY. Damn disappointed by the service there.


Will be going to my primary school friend's open party later at night with my other friends. Haven't seen my Indian friend for a long time.


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