Small Update :3

Pas de deux is scary.

White Day is updated too, by the way.


I don't know what should I write ._.

Hmm. School has already ended and holidays are starting. Things are going quite well until my Audition patcher faced problems >_> STUPIDARGHDIEDAMNFISH.

I went to Hana's house to get the files but while it was patching, I got disconnected and then the problem happened again. I'm downloading Steps now. Saaaaaaaaaaaad, huh.

Yes, I am already playing Steps with my friend. STEPSISDAMNCONFUSINGWITHLOTSOFCHINESEWORDS. D:


I finally said goodbye to my love.

I gave away my dog because of my brother's allergy. Damn >_>

I remember the first time I saw her was at a pet shop at Bandar Puteri. I wanted her so much and my family did bought her for RM350. I remember it precisely.

It's been four years since we bought her in our home. I have to admit she has been spoiled but she has always been a good dog. It's sad to let her go.


Computer isn't going to be the only thing to keep me busy on the holidays! I have Christmas rehearsal once again like last year.

The place I'm going to perform is at the Curve. And because of this event, I can't go to the second day of Comic Fiesta @@ But it's alright, there's always next year? I think I said that last year before >_>

I am quite excited because my teacher says we're wearing a tutu. I just hope the ones we're wearing is beautiful as this.

We're also going en pointe <3


Nature gives the best views, if you know how to cherish that is.

The skies were pretty today, but because the car was moving I can't get a clear picture of them x.x


Heheh, having fun with the mangas I bought.


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