When We Cry

Heh, the song in my blog had changed to When They Cry by Rapbit.

After googling for this song I am not sure if it's a song or an anime. Hmm, so confusing.


Humans face everything, everyday for their whole lives.

I just read a few blogs and sad to say, it contains unhappy posts. Even my blog have sad posts, but normally I keep them to myself. :D

You could be sad for thousands of reasons. It could be something to do with your family, your love, your results, you're stressed out, you lost something precious or just maybe you couldn't get the pair of shoe at the store. Thousands, I mean, MILLIONS of reason.

Another sad thing about being sad is it won't go away so easily. Well, that's what I think. Like I just gave away my dog, I cried for it, and I still have that heavy weight at my heart.

Things keep getting worse when you keep them to yourself. Same thing like you're supposed to hide everyone from a great news, except it's more painful. But sometimes we just can't think of the words to tell someone, or it's just too much for other people to handle. Suffering alone, I do that sometimes.

Most of the time I would get sad would be, the feeling of loneliness, or someone close to me faces problems. Yeah, the feeling of loneliness is the worst. But no matter how much I try, I'm bound to face it again. SAAAD HUH.

It's sure that our lives would have ups and downs. If we had a happy life forever, wait somehow I don't think that would be bad. But life is supposed to be like that, you can't change that fact :]

To those sad people out there, cheer up! It make that some time to make things better again, but it's better than frowning all day :D And it's better to share your feeling with someone. Or just write it down, like me. xD

Heh, I say things like they're so easy. >_>

Sorry for the boring post ~


Would be performing tomorrow at Kinrara (I think). I can't believe that I forgot how to put make up ! D: I was struggling while everyone was steadily doing their part. Haha. I was really ugly xD

Tsk, I still don't know what's my costume for my Christmas performance, all I know is the mask I'm holding is in the way. Pain in da neck. Everyone's costume is really pweetay :O

During the whole performance I would be going en pointe. I wonder if the part between the skin and my toenails would bleed again like last time if I go en pointe too much.

After morning's rehearsals and afternoon's 3 hour lessons, my heels started to hurt. When I got back home, I slept with my face on both on my hands. Hahs, I don't know really know how to describe it. Then when I got up, my hands went numb and heels hurt so much! I couldn't even stretch my fingers. xD

Omg, I can't believe I'm feeling sleepy already. It's 12:37 now. Nights <3


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