13th of November - Last Day of School

Time goes by, and now we're ending our Form 2's life.


The day started with drizzling rain pouring down to the ground. It was just a small rain so it was fine. I looked at the clock hanged at my house's wall. Its minute finger slowing going around the clock. I was hoping it would strike on noon as fast as possible.

It's way early to go to school with Elizabeth, but our mothers wanted to go shopping, I think? Sorry Elizabeth, for making you wait at school D:

I was greeted by my fellow 2A classmate and followed by a disastrous message.

" The party was canceled !? "

Marn Yee, the super smart prefect explained that no food has arrived and teacher doesn't seem to be at school. It was the worst thing that could happen today. My heart can't seem to accept it.

I tried knocking the negative thoughts and moved aside. But then Amanda and Kimberly grabbed my hand and whisper into my ear.

" It's a lie. The only one who doesn't know the situation is Xin Nee. "

Ho, I was damn relieved and amused by the joke they made. They told all 2A students that when they arrived school. But the jokes went too far when Joel decided to go back home. Everyone went to chase him and he said he just wanted to scare us. XD

Yuri made an excellent entrance that I HAD to take snapshot of it.

*wind blows*

After almost arrived at school, we went to a place near the counselling room. It was damn hot even though it was raining.

We placed our food, snacks and drinks on the table while waiting for teacher's arrival. But we couldn't resist and ate a little snack ! :x

Taking a picture of Ying Chee serving food, FAIL.

Everyone was busy snapping photos but then Hana and I helped my teacher who drives a MyVi carry the pizzas she bought. Once the pizza lands its butt on the table, it was eaten by everyone and at approximately 10 seconds, it will be gone. I only ate one piece. I still can grab some but, I didn't wanna.


Chuo Han has bought a cake for all of us to eat. It was specially designed for us, 2A. All the girls had to pay RM5 for it :3 It was chocolatteeee x3

Thank You Pn.Maizatul , 2A Rocks !!, We love 2A

Well the whole time we were taking photos, eating, building stronger relationships. It's really hard to say it all out. But it was a good time, to be together as a class.

The class photo, although no all were there.

Girls in a row ~

All the boys and teacher ;O

Last glimpse of school.

The party soon had to be over. We cleaned up the place and went to the hall and wait. Our KH teacher told us to go to the workshop and grab our wood project back. My hands still feel itchy to snap pictures ~

Woot ! <3

We had to take our new Form 3 books today. But then they made us wait at the hall while the Form 1 get their books first. Why don't let us go to our classroom first ? Dumb dumb. My legs have already got numb.

Then, they let us go to our classrooms and then the boys go get the books. My hands still cannot resist grabbing the camera and take photos ~

My classroom~

Mah seat.

Taking photos and photos and taking some more and more photos and taking photos again and again. That's how we spent our time beside chatting. Well, I think I was the one that kept taking photos >_>

Proud of this pic *w*

The world's most cheapest ribbon.

Ehehehe, so cute.

The trouble makers :D

Put aside the camera taking fun because we still have one last paper to take. Pendidikan Seni, that means Arts. We were supposed to be quiet but no one can stay still. When teacher wasn't looking I sneaked out my camera and took more pictures ! xD

No one cares if it's during exam.

I drew a Cabal monster, Peryton for the question Haiwan Ganjil, means something like fantasy creatures. I was satisfied on what I drew but what I coloured was a disaster. I can't colour, I can't colour, I JUST can't colour ;D

Everyone's work was wonderful. Seriously. I have taken many pictures of people's work but it would take a long time to upload them all. :D

Ying Chee curi makan ~ xD

Our history marks were out and Yi Enn's marks were unacceptable ! XD

I was glad that exam was finally over and the holidays are coming, but the parting of 2A is really a sad thing. It's impossible for us to get into 3A again. Even my teacher hoped that we will be together.

In the memory of 2A, YanYin created a group just for 2A students at Facebook. Well I can say it's really active and noisy, that's good.

It's the FIRST time I went to the top class, but I am always at the bottom so mehh. All I can say is I spent a wonderful journey with 2A, my teachers and my fellow classmate. They gave me lovable memories and I definitely met a lot of new friends.

2A rocks, long live 2A, I love 2A.


Tagged by Nicole <3

RULES~once you have been tagged, you are supposed to copy-paste this note, and answer all the questions. At the end, choose 15 people to be tagged - including the person who tagged you.

Paste these instructions in the body of the note, paste the questions, answer the questions, tag 15 people.

ABC About You Questions:

A - AVAILABLE: Hmm yeap.
B - BIRTHDAY: 11th of June.
C - CRUSHING ON: No one.
F - FAVORITE SONG: Just Be Friends - Donishima
H - HOMETOWN: Malacca
I - IN LOVE WITH: Usui Takumi
J - JUGGLE: Give me two oranges and I will juggle :x
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Yeah, in those killing games. Real life? No.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: To Singapore or Penang I guess.
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: I don't drink milkshake =/
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: Two brothers.
O - ONE WISH: To be good at something, achieve something, and definitely lead a happy life with my loved ones.
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: Mah brother. He wanted to test his ringtone xD
R- REASON TO SMILE: Because you feel happy.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Just Be Friends - Yamai
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 9 o'clock.
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR/PATTERN: All I can say is the shape is triangle xD
V - VEGETABLE(S): I eat them, but not all.
Y - YOYOS ARE: A weapon to kill.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Gemini.

About You:

Spell your name without vowels: ChJL. OMG SO SHORT LOL.
Least favorite color?: None.
What are you listening to? : Just Be Friends - Yamai >_>
Are you happy with your life right now? : Yeap. Maybe for now.
What is your favorite class in school? : Free period.
When do you start back at school/college? : 4th of January, 2010.
Are you outgoing? : Don't really think I am.
Favorite pair of shoes? : Pointe shoes. They're so fun :3

Where do you wish you were right now? : Japan.


Can you dance?: Yeap.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? : Sadly, no :(
Can you whistle?: Nope :(
Can you walk with your toes curled?: That means your shoes are tight?


Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Maybe.
Do you believe in miracles?: Definitely, but they never happen on me.
Do you believe in magic?: There's a reason for something, so not really.
Do you believe in Satan?: Nope.
Do you believe in Santa?: If I said yes, would he give me a present?
Do you know how to swim?: Nope.
Do you like roller coasters?: HELL YEAH THEY ROCK.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality
shows? : I don't have the courage =/


Have you ever been on a plane?: Yeap.
Have you ever asked someone out?: I don't really think so. Is there?
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Yeah.
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Mm-hmm.
Have you ever painted your nails?: Yeah, and the colour was pink xD


What is the temperature outside?: Probably 30+
What radio station do you listen to?: Mix.FM.
What was the last restaurant you ate at? : A Chinese restaurant.
What was the last thing you bought?: Don't know.
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Can't remember :x

Who was the last person you took a picture of?: One of the 2A classmates.
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: CHEE CHEE.

Those who are Tagged:

1. Cindy
2. Someone?

No one would spend their time on this D:


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