Smile, dammit.

Watched finish the anime Paradise Kiss just few hours ago. I was satisfied, yay.

I really liked how they draw their eyes. And not to forget, the designs of the clothes are just awesome. Not to mention the opening, I can't forget that song. Everything in the anime is just so creative !

Gah, I feel like posting Paradise Kiss.


Yesterday I had another performance at The Curve. I fell asleep just when I come back from home after fetching my brother from somewhere. I was out of energy.

After having a few performances in shopping malls, I realized you cannot expect much from the audiences. Well, at least I love dancing, so it's alright.

It's important to smile in a performance, to make the audience comfortable and maybe, happy. I have seen a few nice people who will smile back at me when I smile at them. It feels like an big achievement to make people smile.

But on the other way, there are some people who won't move their mouth muscles. I once had a performance at One Utama during Halloween, I was smiling as cheerful as I can but the people in front of me just looked at me, with those empty eyes, FROWNING.

It's like that. It's not like a theatre play, where people pay to see you. They know when to give an applause, what they're actually looking at. If you let some person at the street see a ballet solo, he won't know what to look at, and maybe laughing because the tutu looked funny.

So cruel, everytime behind that smile of mine, my toes are actually in pain (I'm going en pointe). Yet, the people won't give any respond. It just pisses me off. I also had a friend who said the same thing.

Lalala, useless post. I may post something about Christmas Eve. Hoho.


I went to Shabu Shabu on Saturday with my ballet classmate and my teacher. My teacher actually said if everyone got a 80 at the Grade 6 examinations she will take us out to eat. But I actually got a 79. And I feel sick just thinking about that. Still, my teacher still granted our wishes, which make me feel more guilty.

Sometimes I would just stop eating and think about it. Damn sad.


Hannah Afia said…
Hey! Is Sammi in the last pic? She was my primary school friend! Didn`t know she loves ballet! :D
June - ♥ said…
Yeap, that's Sammi :]

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