
Showing posts from February, 2010

An Impossible Dream?

Exam next week, so what? Aww, I'll bet I regret saying those words after I received my horrible results. --- Uhh, I think I have never been so busy in my life before. After switching back to A class, there are non-stop homework, school activities at wrong times and Ballet lessons. I never had the time to DRAW anymore ): My Ballet teacher arranged a few classes to train us competition candidates and BRRR, the classes are getting more and longer. Starting from today, I'll be stuck at my dance studio for like, 5 hours. We got lucky today as my teacher and us are tired, so we just talked about the things about the competition. But to be honest, I think we didn't have enough training today. So anyway my teacher told us about amount of people entering the category we're going and every year, people there get stronger and stronger. And she said, " You guys won't go the the finals. " I laughed, and I don't feel surprised, because of my sucking posture and terr

The Feeling.

I want SW to be back in Auditionn ! T_T Must play Audition with Hana. Must. --- I have gotten back to Audi again after returning home from my hometown. I realized I must keep on playing, even if my friends don't really play anymore. Because if I don't, I would lose another music game that I love :( Hmm, after coming back to the game. I don't know how to the wave. THAT'S A HORRIBLE NEWS FOR A BEAT UP PLAYER. Since I don't have any screenshot and I couldn't find a picture at Google, try pressing 79461346794613 on your numpad, fast. That's the wave :DD I can't believe I couldn't do it. Wave was like nothing when you mastered it (not like it's really hard, if you do practice.), and I can only do two waves out of six when I'm playing 3254 Techno Party ! D: I remembered when I started playing Audition after Mesha and SW kept convincing me to play, I always played BU, because I saw my brother playing Christmas Party an

Yuri Tagged MEEEE ! xD

规则: 一,被点者请在自己的网志上打上答案 二,请传给另外十个人 三,传阅人请在这十位被点的人的留言板上通知他,他被点咯! 四,这当中的十位不得拒绝 五,被点者请注明被谁点了在哪里接到再传给下十位 六,这些被点名者,你们被点会祝福 七,不可回点哦,并且愿望会实现和得到幸福 ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ 坐上幸福热气球,开始咯~ 幸福热气球:第一阶段 1.绰号:不明百>_> 2.星座:双子座~ 3.生日:95年6月11日 4.兴趣:跳舞,画画 5.血型:O 6.最宝贵的东西:我的家庭和朋友<3 7.最讨厌的东西:蝴蝶. 幸福热气球:第二阶段 1.有喜欢的人吗:哈哈哈哈哈. Usui Takumi. 2.有交往吗:没有 3.幸福吗::O 4.他很爱你吗:他? 他都不懂我是谁啦,他心中只有Misaki LOL. 5.如果你有勇气最想做什么:啊,不懂. 幸福热气球:第三阶段 1.你被谁点:YURISAMAAAA! 2.他是你的谁 : 帅帅的朋友 3.他的个性是:CHUAN SI REN ARH. 4.他长得怎样:帅咯. 5.跟他认识多久:其实她FORM1都知道我的,我不懂她罢了! XDDD 6.你想跟他说什么:给我一点ACASH @W@ 7.如果他变成你的情人:我已经结婚了,休想! :D 幸福热气球:第四阶段 1.最爱的音乐:Jap Pop :D 2.最爱的季节:秋天 3.最爱的卡通:Shuan the Sheeeep :D 4.最爱的颜色: 粉红. 5.最想去的国家:日本. 6.最爱的水果:红毛丹. 7.最爱的饮料:Hot Milo =3= 8.最爱的人:我爸爸和妈妈 <3 幸福热气球:第五阶段 1.你很爱哭吗:伤心就哭咯. 2.你很爱笑吗:谁不喜欢? 3.你是很有信心的人吗:不会啦. 4.你想要怎样的生活:没烦恼的生活~ 5.你喜欢自己吗:是的. 6.你喜欢音乐吗:100%爱. 7.你喜欢体育吗:嗯. 8.你喜欢跳舞吗:哈哈哈哈,当然. 9.你很专情吗:啊? 10.你喜欢睡觉吗:累的时候咯. 11.你喜欢唱歌吗:不敢唱罢了:X 幸福热气球:第六阶段 开始点名 cjl.

Mini Vampires.

Lying, sucks. --- They suck blood. They're evil. They're active at night. But they're not as handsome as the Twilight vampire, Edward. They are the damn mosquitoes. No matter how much humans had tried, mosquitoes just won't get extincted D: When I visit my grandmother on Chinese New Year eve, I got bitten straight away when I just sat on the sofa. Meanwhile, my family are unhurt. This had happen lots of time since I was small, especially at night. I don't know why but my grandmother will always tell me, "Your blood is too sweet lah !" And why is my blood sweet? No idea at all. Same thing happens when I'm at Malacca. My aunt's house will be swarmed with mosquitoes whenever we stay over. And she says it will only happen when WE stay over. D: So, we use weapons to kill them. These are just examples. LOL I don't really use all of them. My brother uses the electric swatting thingy everyday and it will never end. SPARK S

Triple Da Happiness :D

I read the newspaper about how to create a good blog. One of the ways is to PAUSE YOUR MUSIC. While I do agree, because when you're listening to your own music and suddenly another music pops out, you will close the blog. But I won't, I'll pause the music and continue reading the blog. And the layout of my blog depends on the songs I chosen. And without music it would be like HEELLLL BORRRIIINGGG. And yeah, I removed Shissou because I was bored of it. And I'm planning to change my layout again when I return from Malacca. Pause your music? Me no likey. --- Chinese New Year landed on the 14th of February this year, and it shares the same date as Valentine's Day. And on the same date, it's my uncle's and one of my friend, Justin's birthday. CNY + Valentine's Day + People's birthday = YAY. Love, love, love. But some people said it wasn't a good day. If you had a special someone and you can't spend time with th

Dong Dong Chiang ~

Dahahahahahahahaha. --- You see red lanterns hanging everywhere, Chinese songs blaring out from the speakers, occasionally hearing fire crackers, that could only mean Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Celebrating last year's CNY in Harbin was something different for me, and now it feels like it had been a long time since I return to my hometown to celebrate. Seeing my relatives and cousins once again, you don't know how happy I am. To double the happiness, teachers in my class didn't give us any homework! :D All they said was, "Finish your homework today so you can enjoy your holiday." I want to thank all my teacher soo muuucchhh ! x] Boy I can't wait for it already :D Angpauuusss ~ --- Last Wednesday, the Minister of Education had came to our school. I don't really read the newspaper or TV so I don't really know him. But our principal invited him to our school so she could ask them for a proper hall >_>

The Witch's Moans.

It's just a story, kay? A story. --- Her life was already given away. Without him, she's dead as well. She had surrendered to him, her mind, her heart, her soul. She's in love. It was like paradise being with him. Every second around him seemed like a eternity, but then when she leaves him she can't wait for the moment to be with him again. And there came the tragedy. The tragedy that broke her heart, that ended her life. News spreaded like the virus, infecting the whole town. About a virus spreading around the world, a virus that could not be cured, a virus that you can't run away from, a virus that changes the mind of the human, to a zombie. " I'm running for my damn life. " But for her, that's nothing. All that it matters is him. Knowing that she couldn't escape fate, her wish is to spend the last moment with him. Her love that is so strong, that even the virus couldn't change it. " I don't care if you want to stay here and turn

7th of February - Seeing Stars Again :]

Everthing is so sad at my blog. Time to brighten it up ! --- So yeah I recieved a call from my cousin tell me that Thomas Jack will be visiting the mall nearby my area. They're realeasing a book plus a CD. This time my cousins are more crazy than me, because they are willing to pay RM38 for it. So I went to IOI with my father and saw Elizabeth and her friends. I bought two of the books and waited for some time. Finally, they came out and give useless speech. I was just waiting for them to sign the posters. Don't get it wrong, I love looking at their handsome faces. Jack was always talking, Thomas was like, "..." all the time :D Erm, so I managed to get them write my cousins' name in the book and they signed on the posters too. I also shaked hands with Thomas, TWICE ! :D I wanted to shake hands with Jack but it seems he never left his hands from the pen before :O Had an ice-cream on the way back. --- Here's a little bit of update of my life. Busy, obviously.