Mini Vampires.

Lying, sucks.


They suck blood. They're evil. They're active at night. But they're not as handsome as the Twilight vampire, Edward. They are the damn mosquitoes.

No matter how much humans had tried, mosquitoes just won't get extincted D:

When I visit my grandmother on Chinese New Year eve, I got bitten straight away when I just sat on the sofa. Meanwhile, my family are unhurt. This had happen lots of time since I was small, especially at night.

I don't know why but my grandmother will always tell me, "Your blood is too sweet lah!" And why is my blood sweet? No idea at all.

Same thing happens when I'm at Malacca. My aunt's house will be swarmed with mosquitoes whenever we stay over. And she says it will only happen when WE stay over. D:

So, we use weapons to kill them.

These are just examples. LOL I don't really use all of them.

My brother uses the electric swatting thingy everyday and it will never end.


The best area to kill these mosquitoes will be the bathroom of my aunt's house. There's a bucket of water so there's lots of mini vampires there. When you kick it, there's at least five mosquitoes will fly out.

Every time I take a shower there will be mosquitoes flying around me. I'm taking my shower so I was lazy to kill them. But if I do kill them, people outside will hear me swatting them with my hands, causing clapping sounds.

Hahaha. Ha.

Gah, I just hate every insect existed in this world. Especially flying ones. I mentioned it before at my blog. Ugh, argh, eww.

My aunt told me about killing insects when they're small. They used to own a sundry shop so there's cockroaches, lizard, rats and other unknown disgusting creatures. They kill them without fear or hesitation.

Oh, my mother killed a baby rat with scissors by cutting it because it was noisy in the night. I love my mother but that's just so cruel. D:



I love my friends :]


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