Dong Dong Chiang ~



You see red lanterns hanging everywhere, Chinese songs blaring out from the speakers, occasionally hearing fire crackers, that could only mean Chinese New Year is just around the corner.

Celebrating last year's CNY in Harbin was something different for me, and now it feels like it had been a long time since I return to my hometown to celebrate. Seeing my relatives and cousins once again, you don't know how happy I am.

To double the happiness, teachers in my class didn't give us any homework! :D All they said was, "Finish your homework today so you can enjoy your holiday." I want to thank all my teacher soo muuucchhh ! x]

Boy I can't wait for it already :D Angpauuusss ~


Last Wednesday, the Minister of Education had came to our school. I don't really read the newspaper or TV so I don't really know him. But our principal invited him to our school so she could ask them for a proper hall >_>

I had my father's 12 megapixels camera. :DD

He said " 晚上好(Good night)。" in the morning. xD

Our school's lion dance.

Believe it or not, I used to fear the presence of lion dance. Once I had a nightmare about them, and from then I only watch them perform from far. Whenever they come close I would get nervous and step back.

But now I think they're really cute :D So this year I hope I can enjoy more lion dance performances :DD

Our smart Marn Yee and surprisingly handsome Ying Chee performing :D

There was many performances too.

And the performance that annoyed me the most is the Chinese dance. It's not that they sucked or anything, is there's a girl that didn't place her hand behind her bag and allowed it to relax and swing around during the whole dance !

I mean it's just so annoying. I don't know if there's problem with her arms or what but while everyone did that she didn't place her hand at the back! I wish I could go to the stage and correct her. >____> DAMN annoying.

Wondered why the teacher didn't corrected that annoying problem. URGGHHH.

Our school also invited China acrobatics for us to enjoy, or maybe just for the minister. THEY WERE AWESOMEEEE. The group consist 10 members but for the morning session we only saw 8. And the youngest member is 5 years old, and that little kid has our attention the most :P

That 5 year old kid just keep doing backflips continuously on the same spot. I heard people said that he kept flipping over 20 or 30 times ! :D

The acrobatics also performed later during the afternoon session, but different stunts and tricks. They had the face-changing performance (变脸, that's what we say). I was lucky I had activities and managed to saw the performance :D

Sowiie, didn't took pictures. Googled it :D

That day, Wushu was horrible. Most of the people didn't attend because they were tired from the morning and some were LEO members rushing to finish their jobs. The problem is someone thinks he has the power to scold us. Bossy bastard.

Ping-pong was fun, convinced SW to come to school, because of the special performances xD Yaay, I think I improved at playing ping-pong :D I think.

Uwaaahh, totally in the festive mood right now. It's over 12 a.m. so it's Chinese New Year eve now :D Going to have reunion dinner with my family ~ Can't wait to return to Malacca, my hometown.


It's been a long time since I uploaded so many photos. >_<>

One picture taken is about 4MB at my dad's camera. And uploading them is a pain in the neck. While uploading I slept in front of my camera, because I was tired from waiting but mainly just because I was tired. Whoo, yay me for finishing a post. Yaaay.



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