7th of February - Seeing Stars Again :]

Everthing is so sad at my blog. Time to brighten it up !


So yeah I recieved a call from my cousin tell me that Thomas Jack will be visiting the mall nearby my area. They're realeasing a book plus a CD. This time my cousins are more crazy than me, because they are willing to pay RM38 for it.

So I went to IOI with my father and saw Elizabeth and her friends. I bought two of the books and waited for some time. Finally, they came out and give useless speech. I was just waiting for them to sign the posters.

Don't get it wrong, I love looking at their handsome faces.

Jack was always talking, Thomas was like, "..." all the time :D

Erm, so I managed to get them write my cousins' name in the book and they signed on the posters too. I also shaked hands with Thomas, TWICE ! :D I wanted to shake hands with Jack but it seems he never left his hands from the pen before :O

Had an ice-cream on the way back.


Here's a little bit of update of my life.

Busy, obviously. Everyday there's something to do and activities to attend. I just can't wait for Chinese New Year, so I can relax.

Hmm, 3A is definetly a wonderful place to be, because we know everyone, and we can be who we are :D And we hate Donald Duck.

I went for a modern contemp class today. Gosh that teacher is, no comment. Somehow I miss Sim. And about my competition, training was fine. I am proud to say I IMPROVED, even it's a TINY LITTLE BIT that no one notices.

I need time right now. TIME.


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