The Feeling.

I want SW to be back in Auditionn ! T_T

Must play Audition with Hana. Must.


I have gotten back to Audi again after returning home from my hometown. I realized I must keep on playing, even if my friends don't really play anymore. Because if I don't, I would lose another music game that I love :(

Hmm, after coming back to the game. I don't know how to the wave.


Since I don't have any screenshot and I couldn't find a picture at Google, try pressing 79461346794613 on your numpad, fast. That's the wave :DD

I can't believe I couldn't do it. Wave was like nothing when you mastered it (not like it's really hard, if you do practice.), and I can only do two waves out of six when I'm playing 3254 Techno Party ! D:

I remembered when I started playing Audition after Mesha and SW kept convincing me to play, I always played BU, because I saw my brother playing Christmas Party and he couldn't get a Blue BU. He's better at 1 2 Party anyway.

Getting my first Blue BU was when I was playing You, I guess. I was nervous like hell, trying to maintaining by getting more combos.

Blue BU, you achieved it when you get 400 combos.

Getting full combo at Techno Party is even more nervous :D My hands were shaking and sweating. And when I did it, I shouted hooray :D

Some random Audi pictures. <3

That guy's FAM name is so similar to xEclipsex ;make

PE owning at BRBP :DD

This pair of couple was like chaining x7 all the way. Bullied. D:

-VSP-Club, whoo. From left, Kai Wen (bully) , Kelly (scary) , me ( Hana's husband LOLOLOL) .

Btw, I'm having problems because my Audition is lagging. It doesn't matter what mode, I lag. There's a moment when I was lag-free but it came back. D: I really can't BU that way. When I could actually win, my score bring me down ):

See I lag daooooo, people already 100 combo I haven't start >_>

So far only one mode that doesn't lag, 1 2 Party :O

The BU standard in Audition have definitely gotten higher. The level 2 songs seemed like level 3, and some level 3 seemed like level 4 or 5! Surprised me as I thought only Queen of Dancing (Lvl 2 song) deserved to be level 3.

Must, practiceeee ! :O


It's sad that you couldn't feel how good your friend is. Sure, I wasn't really there and I couldn't really understand your feelings. You're betrayed and you lost your trust, turning your back towards everyone.

I do support you, deep down my heart. But that sudden disappearence of yours, what does that mean to your friend? What about others that still really care? I pity them, a lot.

I believe, friends do have good and bad sides. But if they treat you as a friend, they are always good in the inside. Sometimes, they just don't know how to show it. And of course there's time when friends fight.

You lost some really money, no? :X


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