Triple Da Happiness :D

I read the newspaper about how to create a good blog. One of the ways is to PAUSE YOUR MUSIC.

While I do agree, because when you're listening to your own music and suddenly another music pops out, you will close the blog. But I won't, I'll pause the music and continue reading the blog.

And the layout of my blog depends on the songs I chosen. And without music it would be like HEELLLL BORRRIIINGGG.

And yeah, I removed Shissou because I was bored of it. And I'm planning to change my layout again when I return from Malacca. Pause your music? Me no likey.


Chinese New Year landed on the 14th of February this year, and it shares the same date as Valentine's Day. And on the same date, it's my uncle's and one of my friend, Justin's birthday.

CNY + Valentine's Day + People's birthday = YAY.

Love, love, love.

But some people said it wasn't a good day. If you had a special someone and you can't spend time with them since you have to visit your relatives and busy collecting Ang Pow.

And in this case, it's your birthday too.

On the first day of CNY I visited my grandmother for sure, and did nothing there. Adults were playing mahjong and my brothers are busy playing PS2 or the Nintendo.

Mandarin oranges. A part of CNY. And I can't eat it. Because of my allergics.

Then, we returned to my hometown, Malacca. I was quite excited because I forgot the feeling of returning to Malacca on the first day of CNY, since I went to Harbin last year and returned late. By the time, everyone had no mood already.

Before this my parents had a hard time deciding to return to Malacca on the first or second day of CNY. Being borned at Malacca and maybe having the Malacca people's spirit, my mother and I wanted to return on the first. While two of my brothers wanted to return on the second. But we returned on the first day. Yay.

The lion dance we normally watch (like the one above) is the southern kind of lion dance. It's actually the Qi Lin.

The northern lion dance (above) is more like a dog, and more ugly and scary. For me. It will scare the shit of little children. Read these information from the newspaper, again.

I definitely had a great time there :D Watching TV shows for hours straight :D And I earned RM15 for gambling :x SHH.


Kaito have like 23 vocaloid based on him? D:

Kaiko, Kaito's sister.

Anyway, I read the newspaper (AGAIN) and knew one of the best cosplayer I ever seen. Kaname's the name.

Althought he shares the name of the anime guy I hate in Vampire Knight (GRRRZEROISSOMUCHMOREHANDSOMETHANKANAME) , his cosplaying skill are so beyond awesome.

He's well known for his Cloud and Ichigo cosplay. He really looked like the character jumped out from the screen ! >_< And I love him even more because he cosplayed Kaito ! KYAAAHH <3

So handsome ! And not a crossdressseerrr ! xD

I learned so much from the newspaper. The power of newspaper.


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