22th of August - Fairies and Worms Unite.

Before the spotlight began to shine upon us, we decided to shine brightly for someone.


Two years it had been since Dua Space organized a family concert. We were, of course, excited to take part.

In a previous post I had said I was going to perform as a fairy and, of course, I was proud yet pressured to deliver a classical ballet piece.

Everything is fun and fine in this concert, except for the absence of my teacher. She had to go to Korea for a course and this is the second time we had been left by her to face a concert. Even though we had to perform ourselves, we never loved her less.

Rehearsal Day

Disaster. Well, except for the beautiful location of our concert which is Putrajaya - the beautiful yet abandoned city. The hall was pretty and the seats are great. You could look at the stage wherever you sit.

By the way, it's a school day and my school had exams. After handing in my Seni Paper two I had to leave school. My friend had trouble stepping out from the school because her parents weren't there.

I guess that's why I was the only fairy that was on time for the rehearsal. They had delayed our spacing practice and I had no choice to wait. After all the other five fairies arrived, we practice using the stage at last.

BOY, was the stage BIG. Our studio is smaller compared to the stage and we feared that our performance won't go smoothly. And in the end, we had to travel alot around the stage and we were obviously slow and miss the steps plus our timing was out.

What we feared had came true and we had no one to go to, not our teacher. We knew we had to be independent and solve this problems ourselves. We changed our steps, going on stage on different timings and hoped for the best.

We then knew how much we missed our Ms Gan.

Performance Day

We arrived early to practice with everyone once more. And in the stage we had some runs and we were quite confident that we could do well.

On the bus before we head to the concert hall, we read a wallpost posted by our teacher on Facebook. She was worried about us and sorry to us for not being there. After reading those words, all of us cried silently.

Then, we decided we will do our best for her. Even if our toes are in pain, even if we have muscle cramps, even if we had to face problems, we wanted to do our best. Our teacher is the reason we were there to perform and is the thing that drives us to dance.

We had to performance twice, once at 2PM and once at 5PM. Our Ms Gan said we will definitely deliver poor performance because we will be tired and maybe we will get lazy, LOL. We were about to change that.

During the 2PM performance, we did terrible. The fairies did perform quite bad as our spacing was a mess. The worms who previously got the timing right was the other way during the show. Fortunately that performance didn't had many audience so I guess no one will remember what have we done.

Finally, the 5PM performance had came and we bear ourselves for this moment. After dancing my first piece, we thought we did great. After a while, the worms came back from the stage and brought back great news.

It turned out not exactly as we thought when our substitute teacher gave comment. During the second performance, our spacing indeed had improved but our technique level had dropped.

Still, we congratulated ourselves for doing our best.

By the way, if you wanna get totally energized and hyper active, drink glucose. It helps one to get crazy and I have seen the results. Works effectively.

In the finale of the concert and before the curtain closes, we cheered loudly when the announced our teacher's name as one of the main cheoreographers.

Well, it's over. The concert, our intense training. Everyone we had done before this day had finally payed off. I am just glad the concert went smoothly without any accidents.

Now that the concert's over, we're waiting for our teacher's return from Korea. We never realized how much we miss and love her. I know I love her but I know I'll never have her forever.




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