
You DO NOT study like this. :D


I remember when I was still in kindergarten, I forget either it was my father or my mother showed me an experiment on the solubility of salt. She/he took a small glass, filled it up with water and dumped some salt inside. After stirring it slowly, the salt disappears.

Even she/he couldn't explain me scientifically what happened, but I think the 6 year old me wouldn't understand anyway.

Fast forward 11 years later, I'm already 17 years old and entered the science stream in school, my then unused brain is now filled with lots of information and extra things to remember like whether I bought my keys with me and the Ballet syllabus of Advanced 1 and Advanced 2.

Who will EVER thought that the white tiny salt that I seen 11 years ago could be separated to soluble salt or insoluble salt, or there were many different kind of salts other than sea salt and kitchen salt but names like potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and sodium nitrate? That insouble salts wouldn't form crystal after the process crystallization?

Nope, it wasn't that complicated. The 6 year old me watched the salt disappear like it was simply, magic.


I once posted about boys, and it would only be fair if I posted about girls.

Let's see uhmm, I'm a girl. Girls are like guys, they're also human, just a tweak here and there. Everything has a difference, so it wouldn't be surprising if the males think females are weird, or vice versa.

In the males' point of view, females are more complicated creatures with unstable emotions and hard to impress. I read many articles and yes, men are more laid-back compared to women, which probably why men don't understand my kind.

Honestly, I don't get girls too. We are sooooo complicated.

It doesn't help either when we're around my age when hormone secreted from the pituitary gland are unbalanced no thanks to puberty. Then we have periods, the moment when the guys fear to piss us off. It's the same to me, though.

So anyway, I do think girls are more emotional and often follow their heart more than their brains. I'm like that too, and I think it's really troublesome. We have softer hearts, sadly. That's why people always say girls are soft, and long time ago women are labelled as weak. We're stuck in the kitchens while all the men do the work. Physically, we are more weaker than men, it's just nature.

I forget what I wanted to say.

Gah, I think the minds of us ladies are more complicated. We tend to think a lot. And yeah, we get worried more easily. Our brain is often filled with stuffs and I don't think there's any girl on this earth that has nothing going on in her mind, LOL. Surely, we have to think of something, whether it is just thinking or worrying.

One thing I don't like being a girl is, how do you say? We take things more personally. Guys have this amazing ability to let things go. One moment you can see them fighting, the other moment they can be friends again. Girls? Heh. After a fight, there's a chance you might never look each other in the eye anymore.

I remember when I was in primary school, the girls often say 'I don't wanna be friends with you anymore!' Yes, I only hear the girls say that. I thought it was very immature, but yeah we're still in primary school. I think the people keeping all the grudges are girls too. Just, my personally opinion, 'cause I know how it feels.

Girls are hard to impress, already stated above. We won't be content easily. We expect a lot and guys are different because they keep things simple. I think getting gifts for girls are way more difficult then getting for guys. Why oh why are we so complicated, ugh.

Honestly, I don't like being a girl. Because all these extra emotional feelings are a burden and very often my heart screws up my mind and the way I think. It gets to me. I know I'm emotional and sometimes I just wish I don't cry over something small like watching a touching scene. But, I'm a girl, so yeah.

I think I'm talking about bad things more than good about girls, LOL. Either way, we're human. If we're all the same this world be boring, so diversity is welcomed, I guess.


Hey Peachie, I love you.


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