Let's Fly.


I think all Big Bang members are awesome. I love them all. Well, maybe not SeungRi. No, I don't hate him. It's just that he's .. quite a trouble. Recent news showed that he might be in a sex scandal. Not really surprising for me, judging from his character.

COME ON GIRLS, COME ON BOYS! .. When is T.O.P going to have his own solo album?

As much as I love Big Bang, I know my love can't beat their parents. Just saying.

I really don't like how fans claim that the celebrities are 'theirs'. It's just, impossible, no matter how the way you think. They can go on how much they love them, that they will give birth to their children, that they are their wives/husbands. Mostly these (Sorry, I can't take it anymore) immature people are girls.
I don't mind if you're a hardcore fan, in fact I admire you. Even I dare not classify myself as a  true VIP or Black Jack because I haven't bought a single album of Big Bang or 2NE1. True fans support their celebrities and it sometimes, they are really .. supportive. How do they get all the money, hmm.

Twitter is a really popular place for fan wars. Seeing teenagers going on and on about who is the better celebrity amuses me. Some even got really angry, haha. Come on, you claim that you're 's but truthfully, he/she has no single idea who the hell you are. He/she might not even know your existence.

I dare not even call T.O.P my boyfriend/husband/lover because I know he doesn't know me. Even if he saw me at the Korean Music Wave concert, in his eyes I'll be just another fan. Sad? It's the truth. In the mind of these stars, fans play a great part of their motivation but they will never acknowledge each and one of you.

I wouldn't mind if the boys of Big Bang have no idea who I am, as long as they perform well for their fans, that's enough. Oh, I'm gonna see Big Bang soon. < 3 WHERE ARE MY TICKETS UGH.


Sincerity or sympathy?

I don't know, your actions are enough to prove that you all care. I'm really touched from the bottom of my heart. To be accepted, I thank you all for what you guys have done.

I want to break free a long time ago, and I guess this is my chance.

I won't look back and I will start anew. It will probably take a long time for me to forget, but maybe you guys should forget when the time comes. No point getting stuck of the past.

I ask for forgiveness in advance.


Should I change my ringtone to Rolling Girl by Akiakane?

Her epic screaming will shock the hell out of everyone.


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