The First Step.

Made into the finals for the first time. 
I am considered damn lucky. 
But you know, I ended up last place.


I was halfway attending Mr Jay's Biology tuition class when I checked the time on my phone. Bam, there was miss calls from one of the many Ballet teachers from Dua Space, Ms Yip. I thought, 'Oh, she's looking for me. It's gotta do the concert that's coming up soon.'

Since I freaking sprained my foot, I hadn't returned to DS to dance at all. It's has already been almost half a year, but I'm no where near to wearing my pointe shoes back. The last time I returned was to take my Grade 7 results, and got some advice from my Ballet teacher.

When I tried calling her back, no one was answering. It was only later before Chemistry class I managed to got through and chatted with her. She wants me to go back. She wants me to take part in the concert. She wants to see me tomorrow night.

There was no way I could dance classical Ballet, so she suggested me to dance Modern Contemporary, which is Modern Ballet. Which I'm not really a big fan of. But it doesn't matter, I was dying to dance once again. So, I agreed and went back to DS right after my Add Maths tuition the next day.

GAH, DS had changed so much. There are even faces I hadn't seen. Of course, Ms Yip was there waiting for me. She welcomed me back and told that I should join them in the class. 

I was like, NO. NO NO NO. My foot isn't completely healed. I haven't dance for months. I feel like I'm disturbing them. I am not ready for this. I'm scared. But you should know, you can't say no to Ms Yip. So I went in, feeling kinda, no, very nervous.

My friends called out my name the moment I entered the room, and I smiled back at them. I later sat and observed them dancing. Ms Yip urged me to do some warm ups, and try to learn the choreography at the side. I did what she told me, but I couldn't catch up. I KNOW I'M SLOW KAAAAAY. Anyway, I never joined them and the class dismissed anyway. 

The next day, I had an appointment with another senior of mine. She quit Ballet too, and now she's thinking of returning. That day she was going to teach me the whole choreography. Seriously, without Ms Yip asking, we wouldn't even be at the studio. Just the both of us.

So, she taught me the movements. We couldn't really do anything with the spacing, since I hadn't take part in the dance and I had no idea where to stand. The whole song wasn't that long, and most of the choreography are repeating. Wasn't hard like what Ms Gan did last concert .. BRRR FAERIES.

I also watched the videos what other teachers had choreographed for the concert. My Ballet teacher choreographed a Latin piece, which surprised me a lot. I thought she was doing something like Swan Lake, like how she told us excitingly earlier this year. But then she never revealed, so yeah. All the pointe work belonged to Ms Yap's choreography.

If I hadn't ended up in this stupid accident, I think I will be dying for a dance with pointe work. I LOVEEEEEEE pointe work, even if it gives blisters to my toes.

This girl is crazy. 
There's no way I'll torture my shoes at grounds like these.

So anyway, most of the dances in the concert aren't really complete with the choreography. I'm really glad Ms Yip dragged me back, even if I couldn't dance Ballet. Though I really wish to. She wouldn't even let me buy the tickets, because she wants me to be part of the concert. And I'm really grateful for that. Thank you, Ms Yip.

I had been gone for too long, and I was forgotten.



Kay, I'm being an ass to say that, but I'm damn happy to get my ticket. I was getting worried on when we're going to redeem it because I seriously didn't received any message about it.

If it wasn't for Elizabeth's friend, I would be blur all the way till the day of the concert. But I really don't get it, RedTix couldn't expect each and one of us to like their pages and notice all their updates? We like Big Bang, not you.

It was the last day to redeem so me and mom drove to Bangsar Shopping Centre. GAWD, I feel so out of place there. I was wearing casually in a modern looking shopping mall with only shops that sold branded items. Bleh, I bet even the toilets look luxurious. There were many foreigners.

We searched for the store to redeem the ticket and I guess I should be grateful there's no queue. While the staff worker was getting my ticket, I saw lots of Big Bang related merchandises. There were lots of shirts, but I never bought any of them, they're pretty though.

Later we went to a supermarket called Jason's (What a COINCIDENCE..). Blargh, it's so pretty there I once again feel so out of place. Not even Sunway or Mid Valley compare with this glamorous place. Bought some chips.

I once again thank my parents.


You're gonna die.

And you're not gonna fight.

So in conclusion, you're letting death take away you earlier.

You're just killing yourself.

Just do what you want, 

don't hurt my parents 

you bastard.


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