
I was cut out from a circle.
I was alone.
I walked alone.
But as I walked and walked and walked,
my edge smoothed and I turned into
a circle of my own.
Small, but still a circle.

- Lyndis.

Now I can tell you, that in my whole 17 years of living on this miserable earth, the most interesting person I ever met is Lyndis. That's not her real name, but she uses it and I think it's pretty too. People in my school should know that name, and I think one cannot forget her anyway.

Why did I dedicated a post for my classmate here? Because she's the most awesome girl I ever met in my life, LOL. Serious, and maybe I don't know what to blog and she herself is a very interesting topic. She might not even read this, hmm.

I think I wrote an essay about her before.

Her profile picture in Facebook is currently Kula Diamond from King of Fighters. NOT EVERY GIRL HAS TASTE LIKE HERS. I have to mention that she loves zombies, magicians and probably blood and gore. But she can't stand the sight of blood.

So anyway, Lyndis was in the same primary school as me. She transferred to my secondary school later and we have been in the same class for five years. We only got closer this year (I know I'm very passive how can I not realize such an amazing girl) and it's really fun when you're with her. She NEVER bores you.

Lyndis' English is good. I think she was exposed to a lot of American culture, she sometimes uses American accent when she talks mixed with a little Manglish here and there. Gawd, you should read her essays. Teachers often complain her essays like, directly translated from English but seriously, no one writes like her. Her ideas and styles are one of a kind. Can you even think of writing an essay about a zombie apocalypses including characters from Resident Evil and Black Bulter? She wrote it, 13 pages. 

*non-related* Witch, my favourite zombie in L4D. 
I once dedicated a post to Miss Witch here too!

I really love it when Lyndis tells stories, whether it's her own personal experiences or some scary stories. She uses sounds effects when she tells them, DING epicness level has highly increase. She is the same age as me but her life was far more interesting than mine. I don't know how the heck she lived such a life where so many things happen. Blah, I always look forward whenever she opens her mouth.

Did I mention she can sing? She has also won the Best Supporting Actress in a drama competition in our school. Yes, she can act very well and her dream is to be an actress. She told me she wanted to be a spy but it's nearly impossible to be one at Malaysia so she's going for her second choice, an actress.

She has guts. Yeap.

She denies it but I think she has high IQ. Almost all IQ questions given to her are solved by herself.  Today, the boys in our class gave us a question and although she wasn't the fastest to solve it, she did better than me. I gave up because it was really tough, HAHAHAHA.

IQ Question : There's a light bulb in a room which only has a door. Outside the room, there are three switches, but only one can turn on the bulb. You can flick the switches as many times you want, one switch at a time, but you can only open the door and check if the light bulb lights up ONCE. The door is closed immediately after you leave the room.

The walls are concrete and the door has no holes or openings where you can peek in. No, you cannot place a shoe at the door to refrain the door from closing. Think of a correct method to find out which is the real switch that lights up the bulb. Answers? Find a way to ask me for it.

Anyway, I think I would miss her most after I graduate from my secondary school. Also, my class' assistant monitor. They're a bunch of interesting people. I had a great time being in the B class and I thank you all. *bows*

Please, if there's anyone looking for actress please find my friend Lyndis here. 


I don't know what has gone into your mind.
I don't understand why are you thinking like this.

I hope for you to forget.

Before things are going to be ugly.


I keep forgetting what to post.

Now that trials are over and we had our textbooks returned, many people had decided not to attend school and do their own revisions at their home. Or probably just sleeping in.

I'm a very obedient girl (Yeah, right.) and so far, I attended all classes. And while people think it's waste of time (Actually, I think so too), going to school on a boring day proves to serve its own benefits.

Because I attended school, I have extra marks for my Biology because our teacher is happy we're there. Because I attended school, I got to eat free fried rice. Because I attended school, I think I did more productive things than when I'm at home.

Just wish I could sleep more.


Xin Yi Hor said…
haha, so true, thou i never manage to readd the 13 page story xDDD shud borrow it home someday *tortoise-speed-reader-here*

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