That Bastard.

They say love is blind, oh you're so blind.


I know I'm kinda late but

Kwon JiYong or more famously known as Big Bang's G-Dragon has done it again! On Malaysia's National day (not like I gave a damn) he released the MV of his fourth song in his newest album, 'That XX'.

'That XX'. I read it and I was like, what? Yeah, I was confused for a while because I didn't know that was one of his songs and then I saw from the YouTube page about his new MV. I thought it was kinda weird, I didn't know what the song meant but you know, GD's an amazing music producer and song writer. He didn't let me down.

*click!* The video started. GD sang I thought the music was nice and GD sang a little higher than he raps which sounds like unnaturally to me, LOLIDKLARH. And then came the chorus part where they had a *BEEP* sound to censor a curse word. I thought it was very annoying. 

GD's singing halfway *BEEP* Singing *BEEP* Sing-*BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP*

But I got used to it. Ignoring all those beeps, the song is actually nice and the lyrics is just oh so meaningful. It's about a guy which tries to tell the girl he loved to get away from a bastard. Which brings the song title 'That XX', where 'XX' is bastard but got censored.

But I thought it was pointless. I believe kids younger than me have already swore a million times more than me and capable of releasing any type of curses from their mouth. Kids aren't innocent these days and I believe the word 'bastard' isn't something new to them. I'm 17, I don't think I'm young anymore.

My first thought when I saw GD was, doesn't he look like T.O.P from I'm Sorry Japanese Version? The way he stood and his eyes drooping down, it looks like he was kinda innocent or maybe shy, which I think was almost similar to the character T.O.P portrayed. 


Besides GD, one of the member of YG's new girl group Jennie Kim appeared. She was previously seen in another video that YGEntertainment released. In that video, Jennie can be seen rapping and cursing. Yes, just like GD she curses and yes, there goes the *BEEP* again.

I didn't really liked the idea of a 16 year old girl cursing. She's younger than me and she's cursing. I thought what was YG thinking. I don't know how's her singing or what is the style the new group is going to present but it didn't leave me awe-struck or what.

However, minus her cursing, Jennie Kim looks beautiful in the MV and I like when she flips her hair, LOL. Anything is better than silly cute winks and mini shorts.


Please do watch the MV if you haven't seen it. GD released another MV titled as 'One of a Kind' which also became one of my favourites. That MV proves YG is very rich, just for your information.


I think most of my readers already know how much I like AuditionSEA, more specifically Beat Up mode. I just love it, kyah. BU players FTW.

With September's new patch, BU Arena is finally available and UGH you don't know how popular it is. During the first day the arena was launched, five minutes before we could take our number, the amount of participants was more than what we normally have at Guitar Arena! HAH, IN YOUR FACE.

Look at all the people!

I really don't know what is wrong with Audition, delaying BU Arena for years.
After we took our numbers, half of the players disconnected. I was one of them and I was really disappointed. I was damn looking forward to it and I couldn't play the first day the Arena is launched. My friend managed to stay in the Arena but later, it got cancelled.

This incident raged the whole Audition players, especially the BU players who had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. The more popular BU players then gathered in a room and my eyes popped out after seeing their beautiful scores. < 3

One must not underestimate BU players' awesome skills.

Actually, I love being among the BU players more than other modes. Yes, I love BU more than Guitar. There's a difference if you compared the players of different mode.

In Guitar, I personally think the people there are more insane. During the arena, they are able to make many noises. I think the perfect example will be Maomao. In the sense of skills, Guitar players are more insane because the game play is much more complicated. The better players have the skills to press eight notes, constantly switching their hands from side to side. They have the ability to figure out Flames which play an important role in the game. In other words, I classified Guitar players as the insanes, in a good way though. I admire them.

I don't know. The group of people that only play Normal mode doesn't appeal to me. To me, they are all the ones creating all the drama in the Free-1 channel. They're responsible for the useless megas that can go on and on. I don't get how can they Club Dance all day. They're more talkative and I don't know, I don't really like those kind of people. This my personal opinion, that's why I don't have Normal mode players as my friend.

Heh, probably because I consider myself more of a BU player, I love being in the BU circle. The people there are kind and so far, I never regretted meeting any one of them. The skills they displayed always make my jaw drop and yeah, all of them are friendly. I feel like a part of the group with them.

Because BU and Guitar requires the use of two hands and doesn't give the players a chance to talk, thus less talking and less drama. Perfect mode for me. But yeah, the players are less interactive but it gets fun when you get to know them better. :)

I don't know about Beat Rush and 1 2 Party players. Didn't really dwell much with the society there.

Anyway, at Day 2 of the BU arena, I was very unlucky to meet pro players and got kicked out immediately. All of my friends made it and it made me very depressed LOLOL.
Day 3 was very exciting, because one of the BU legend was there, teehee. I made until the 3rd round and I'm happy enough. I hope I can at least go on until the quarter finals. Anyway, supporting my friends is a must. :3

At the finals, my friend got second although his perfect was more than the first. Didn't know why. I want him to win, rawr. Many unknown pro BU players appeared, which is an eye-opening experience to me. I love seeing pro players play BU.

Honestly, I do miss having my LV60 ring as my icon, but it's a bullshit of lies then I'm just glad it's gone. Now my icons are all blue, nice and tidy, AHA.


I feel like ranting so much, but I'll save it for now.


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