Big Bang Alive 2012 in Malaysia

So there I was, standing among the midst of people. We stand from different races and different genders, but we all had one thing in common. We're going to watch Big Bang.

On the 27th of October, a Saturday, 7 hours before the concert, I was already waiting outside Stadium Merdeka. Just like me, many other fans were queuing up at respective entrances. I bought a ticket that belonged to Category 3 and so yeah, I was alone.

Let me tell you that waiting and waiting while squeezing with people is two different matters. The latter is much more suffering. After for don't know how long, the queue changed but still my category still hasn't gain access to the stadium. After all, we're still hours away from the show.

You could say that I was quite front in front of the queue, and I was lucky to meet some people who are kind enough to talk to me. I don't know how to keep the conversation going, so all I did was listening and waiting time to pass.

While waiting under the tree, it began to drizzle. My mother and another friend sent me messages asking if I was okay, and yes I was. Thank you for your concern. I wore my raincoat on and the same people I met covered me with their umbrellas. I thank those strangers from the bottom of my heart even though I have no idea what their name is. They know mine, though.

However, I think my skin was sensitive to the ground or something, my leg began to have patches just like how went I react to some allergy. It worried me, but it didn't itch, it wasn't red, and it didn't swell up. I ignored it. I mean, I wouldn't get out of the queue just for that. Come on, it's Big Bang.

So then, it rained while the Big Bang members began to rehearse. The fans outside screamed in delight upon hearing the voices of the members. After a while, the rain stopped but then the weather is unpredictable.

After another few more hours, the entrance began to open. Excited (and impatient) fans swarmed towards to entrance, pushing people just to get into the stadium. Crew workers shouted and they had to be strict, so that they could control the flow of the fans. Honestly, I was pissed off because I was in the front line, but they didn't allow us to enter first.

People then began to cut queue and greatly angered the people more. I thought, Malaysians are so uncivilized. Not only you push innocent people, you cut queue for your own selfishness. We all want to see Big Bang yeah, but seriously we came here first. I felt like slapping some people there.

Anyway, I realized after I came back home that buying expensive tickets and queuing early before the concert is proven to be useless shit because people will be more earlier than you and stupid people will still exist by cutting queue and pushing people.

After more pushing and squeeze like packed sardines I finally managed to get into the stadium. Bam, people were already surrounding the stage in my category and I ran towards them. My heels hurt like hell but there were another two hours to go. I stood and fought against the crowd. I'm sorry I left the kinds girls behind, my apologizes.

Why are you waving your sticks when the concert haven't even started.

An hour before the concert, rain began to pour from the sky. It was little at first, but enough for the audience to put back their raincoats on. It was hard, because it's so packed you can't even stretch your arms. People began to sing along to the Big Bang songs and screamed whenever they saw the members on the screen. I think it was a waste of energy.

I was very pissed off at the group of people behind me. They kept pushing, trying to squeeze to get in front. They're racist too, as they kept pushing a Malay girl. Noisy, selfish, uncivilized, racist bastards and bitches who can't shut their mouth up. I tried to resist them from pushing me away.

The rain got heavier and the raincoat didn't help much. I was drenched from head to toe. It was really uncomfortable, being soaked and tired, your skin in contact with other people. But hey, I'm going to see Big Bang soon, I kept telling myself. Another hour to go.

The fans kept screaming at useless things like seeing the curtain drop. Curtains drop, scream. Workers came out to clear the stage, scream. MC saying something, scream. It's not Big Bang, save your energy please. Yes, I was wearing an emotionless face while waiting among the excited crowd. PLEASE, I WAS DEAD TIRED.

Finally, few minutes after eight, the rain stopped, the lights turned off and the stage lit up. More light sticks shone in the dark and fans cheered. In that instant, it was like I wasn't tired at all and the weight from my feet got lifted. I was looking for that feeling because I don't know if I could stand any longer.

Big Bang appeared on the stage, they came out from capsules which I think it's very awesome. SeungRi told the fans that no rain would stop them from performing, which made the crowd go wild. Oh, we would stand in the rain for them too.

I really wanted a light stick, but I didn't know if they sold the original ones. 
Besides, I rather got close to them than having a light stick.

So yeah, Big Bang sang their latest songs first. I was surprised they even sang their solo songs. I think the audience's spirit was the strongest when the show started. It died down little by little because everyone was tired. Of course, we kept screaming.

Believe me, this is the clearest picture I can get. The others are all blurred.

I wanted to share some videos but it took too long to upload. They were short so maybe if doesn't make a difference. If I took the full song it wouldn't be fair for me as I attended the concert, got drenched by the rain, stood till my heels hurt and got squeezed like sardines.

I realized that I was pushed slowly out of the crowd and I got really pissed, the bunch of idiots were way further front than me now. Some people excused themselves out of the crowd because they couldn't take it. I was almost at my point too as I was exhausted. I kept having second thoughts if I should back off. Something in me told me to get out, and so I did.

Blah, the view was clearer outside the crowd but it was further. I thought of trying to grab a seat at the empty rows behind but I wasn't sure if they would allow it. Then, an idea hit me. I had a binoculars, and I could see Big Bang with it. Oh, yay me.

Gah, I'm so grateful I had the binoculars. I could look at Big Bang clearer than zooming in with the camera or standing in the crowd with light sticks swinging in front of my face. I saw people sitting on the fence but there were no more space. I wish I was at a higher position so I can see better.

I got my wish granted. I managed grab a spot and climbed on the fence. PERFECT VISION FROM HIGH ABOVE. Plus, I can sit. Like finally. I was really happy of myself. I get to see the members so clearly. And I get to sit. Binoculars, yay.

Pweetay light sticks everywhere.

A way clearer photo taken from Big Bang Updates.

Big Bang sang many songs. I didn't bother to count but it was a lot. They gave us about four more songs for the encore after we begged them too, haha. Up on the fence, I was screaming and squealing like any other fans.

It was a very awesome feeling. I think I wouldn't had this feeling if I remained in the crowd. At that moment, I was just very happy that I was able to see Big Bang performing in front of me. I was content and somehow I felt peaceful, even though shouts and screams were everywhere. I moved to the beat and to the music, I could even dance if I wasn't sitting on the fence.

I looked at T.O.P the most. He's cool as usual, he doesn't move as much as the other members. Daesung was the most 'high', in my opinion. It's a pity he didn't get to show his wings because we were at outdoors. The other members are cool. Yeah, I didn't really pay attention to them, sorry. But yeah, they're hyped up too.

Big Bang singing Haru Haru, taken from BB's official Facebook page.

Big Bang interacted with the crowd too. SeungRi said the most Malay words like 'Apa khabar?' and 'Aku cinta padamu.' TaeYang kept repeatingly rapping 'Aku cinta padamu.' Daesung and GD didn't say any Malay words, I think. T.O.P managed to say 'Terima kasih.'
after we wished him Happy Birthday.

They also said things like 'Among all the countries, Malaysia's the best.' I wouldn't be surprised if they were lying, after all they're doing their job to satisfy the fans. It wouldn't be nice if they said 'What a terrible weather you have here in Malaysia. And I hate durians.'

'I will remember each and everyone's faces here.' said T.O.P. Oh, please if you said that you will wave to me because I saw you when you came here for the first time, you handsome liar.  Anyway, I'm still happy to see the whole Big Bang here.

After the concert, the crowd slowly disperse. I hang out for a while on the fence because I kinda lazy, and it would be useless to squeeze some more for the exit. At that moment, I was wondering how would I contact a friend with no mobile phone. Chee Chee, I beg you to get a phone.

So yeah, it was almost 1 when I reached back home. My right shoulder ache from carrying the sling bag, my heels hurt from standing for so long and my hair was wet. But it was worth it. I saw T.O.P for the second time of course it was worth it.

'Till we meet again' said T.O.P.


Somehow, I'm not feeling sentimental about leaving school soon. In fact, it doesn't leave me any impact and honestly, I want to get out of there immediately. Nothing, worth remembering.


+_+ MieRa +_+ said…
Wow, You're so lucky! Thanks for sharing your experience tho! It makes me jealous and wanna see them ASAP. One day, maybe.

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