
Showing posts from April, 2009

A Sad Smiley Face :(

Recently I am down like a rock at the bottom of the sea, and still going down until the earth's core. Amazing. --- I can still do it as long as you want. But I am not sure whether is that the reason of this stupid situation. I'm here telling you, there's no reason behind my behaviour. You know I love being random, and that's kinda the reason. You want me to change, I can put a BIG smile on my face. I didn't do it, because why should I? The only person that can control my emotions, it's myself. --- Hiding a mask, wearing a coat. Being like a rat stealing cheese. Why? You don't trust us? We lend you our shoulders everyday. You're just being strange. Say this to yourself. Be open. It helps a lot. Even when you grow up and going into a bigger society. --- You may be unhappy that day. And I wonder why. Really, I was happy to see you there, better than nothing. But you snapped and growled, I was really shocked and terrified. This feeling, I wonder I can get ov

Oopsie Daisy!

No I am not talking about daisies and flowers ._. --- Wahahaha. I feel so happy. Lately my friends are playing audition. So that means more friends to play with me, more merrier ~ Just moments ago, I played with Kitty (xIceCream) from the morning until 1p.m. Featuring our star! xIceCream! ACash user! D: Whee. Playing with our star! Did you know that when you play Audition, and if you're a girl, and you're wearing skirt while dancing. You might see THAT? And if you don't know what I am talking about. I am here to show you. This is THAT. Don't say I am a pervert. I am just doing this because Kitty does this too. Plus, I am doing this for the laughs. For MYSELF to laugh. And it's not like it's in real life xD Just to be fair. Wahahaha. Mine is not so obvious. Girls are strong too! x) -End of post- Since I got nothing to write or talk about ._. --- Please check this video out. It's awesome :)

Modern Contemporary

After the examination of Grade 6, my teacher replaced the class to Modern Contemporary . But sometimes my teacher call it Modern Ballet . Because the steps and move are almost similar to ballet. Our teacher, who will be teaching and guiding us Modern Ballet is Hoi Cheng Sim , a finalist for the show So You Think You Can Dance Season 2 . She is a professional dancer. Amazing right? I felt lucky to see her, even though I never seen the show =/ It was Thursday, 17th of April, when we first attend our Modern Ballet class. We saw our teacher OMG-LOOK-IT'S-OUR-TEACHER! Look it's Sim looking at you and smiling at you! My teacher introduced her to us and she introduced us to her. Then we begun our class immediately. Man, it was hard and tiring. She teaches fast like a train that doesn't wait for the passengers. My ballet teacher is watching at the back, smiling evilly D: When she asked who can't keep up, we didn't reply and presented her a messy dance. Then, Sim said serio

June is bored! :O

I just felt like posting something before I turn off the computer and have to wait for next week to touch the computer again. I am bored and I can't get into Audition. --- Great news! I just turned into a Clubber (Level 16). I wasted 1050 den for one try. Eekk. PE also joined Audition but had problems making her own ID. So she used my brother's and my brother just said "Next time don't do that. Don't lend my ID to other people" --- Listening to song Be My Lover sung by La Bouche. Sitting on a chair. Breathing. --- Since I have nothing to write I shall post pictures! :D Zero kissed Yuuki. YAY! <3 --- Bleh. No time already. Need to eat dinner. NOOO. I want my computarrr!! T__T

Koko ni Iru Yo!

Lately I keep waking up at 8 a.m. Yay! I won't sleep like a pig anymore! --- Koko ni Iru Yo! is a manga created by Tooyama Ema. PE said that this was also the author of another manga QQ宝贝蛋. Well, I couldn't notice at first. The reason I am posting about this manga is because it was the first manga that made me cry . Yes, I am emotional. When I read this manga, it only have few chapters so I wasn't really interested in it. When I knew they updated this manga, I begun reading again and noticed that it's actually a nice manga. And now I want more of it. The synopsis of this manga is about a girl named Sumino (or Hikage or even Himawari) that doesn't stand out. It's like she doesn't exist because no one would notice her. Everyday she goes to her blog and there's two person always commenting on her blog. Believe me, the blog is related to the story. One day, one of two popular guys named Hinata noticed her and treats her nicely. And then the story goes on :)

Pardon, teacher?

I have been in my secondary school for two years already. Time passes very fast, know? Without noticing, you may be married and have seven dear children! LOL! Just kidding. --- Here are some mistakes teachers made during my classes. Geography teacher - Pn.Tan She is amazingly annoying. She doesn't deserve to be a 2A class teacher, because she only read the text in the textbook! She doesn't give us extra knowledge and her voice is disturbing. Not just she sucks in teaching, she is rude to students! Elizabeth also agreed with this. Like calling them useless students! People have feelings you know? I apologize for being rude, but this how I think about her. Mistake 1. The word " kawasan " was written " kawan ". Mistake 2. The number " 59 " was written " 99 " Mistake number one was still acceptable, but this mistake? I don't think so. Mistake 3. The word " penanaman " was written " penanama " This is so funny. Mistake

11th of April - A great, wonderful, splendid day :)

It's a Saturday and there's no school. To make things better, there's no ballet class too! Although I don't know why ._. --- After lunch, my family went to Sunway for shopping! We went to the digital centre to see things and to buy things. The people there are desperate for customers I tell you. My brother wanted a PSP so we went around seeing game stores. But their price are so high x_x So we decided to check out the price at IOI. Yay I finally bought something I wanted long time ago <3 After walking for some time, we went to see a national ice skating competition. We only watched it for a while because my brother was complaining. Damn it T_T The first round was 5 little girls competing. One of the girls had a fierce coach that is always shouting near the rink. Eeekk. Poor little girl. All of them gave their best and performed in front of the judges and people. I wanted to take pictures but I forget to bring my phone and my brother won't borrow me his phone :( T

10th of April - Fire DEMO

It's also J-Why's birthday. Bleh, this is one of the 16 posts that I deleted >__> Going to type it again since this was posted not long ago. --- We copying notes from our teacher in school and then a teacher entered our classroom and talked to my teacher. And suddenly she said. "There's the fire-alarm practice again (In Bahasa Melayu)." And just after teacher said that, the class beside us cheered. My class wasn't really happy about because teacher just gave us notes and we are not done copying it. And to make things worse, it was raining. Again, why can't we hear the emergency bell? Everyone went to the field and gathered. How do they expect us to sit on wet grass? My legs went numb after squatting for quite some time. Teacher then ordered us to go to the hall and sit in our positions. Today there are fire fighters coming to my school to demonstrate. The captain gave a short speech but I couldn't hear him because he was talking too fast and uncl

Oh My God

I was arranging posts in my blog. Unfortunately, I clicked something and some posts were gone. OH NOOOOOOOOOO !!! They didn't even asked something like "Are you sure you want do delete?" or something like that. T_T The posts that my hands typed out, are all gone. *sob* *hides in a corner and cries*

The Last Dance of Grade 6

It's the day of my Grade 6 ballet examination. The examination begins at 11 something, but I arrived at my studio at 9:45 a.m. And that means, no Wushu lessons for today! T_T I was the first to reach, followed by SW (Not Siok Woon kay? ;D), E and K. They are joining me in today's examination. I dare not to put up their name because. I feel wrong doing it ;D We tried tying the hairstyle my teacher mentioned but we don't know how so my teacher helped us a little bit. The hairstyle looked like a children hairstyle... = = Then, I warmed up at the small sized studio. A girl came in and stand near the bar where I am and looked at me. I felt kinda scared and sit on the floor. Then, she followed me again, sitting on the ground. I asked. "Why are looking at me?" "Because the leotard and shoes are different from ours." the little girl said. I asked again. "What grade are you in now?" "Grade 2." "When you reached Grade 6, you can wear thes

Handsome Manga Guys :P

I love reading shoujo manga and it's not complete without a guy, HANDSOME guy. I am jealous with the girls in shoujo manga having a handsome guy following you everywhere T__T Here I want to list out the guys from the mangas I read. There aren't many but oh well. And these are the guys I think they are handsome. If you don't like them, don't tell me their ugly or not even close to handsome. It hurts me and I will hate you D; Here goes! NUMBER 3 -Ryuu from Special A- Ryuu doesn't appear much in the manga and he is always seen with Jun and Megumi and his animals. Until recently he shows up with Fin. And there's where I realizes his awesomeness ;D And in the anime he was soooo handsome! xD NUMBER 2 -Zero from Vampire Knight- He's cool and mysterious and that's why I loved him. I loved his scene with Yuuki and. And. And. HE'S COOL!! XD Look him holding his gun and killing anyone LOL. I wanted to choose Ryuu for number 2 but he doesn't really appear in