Pardon, teacher?

I have been in my secondary school for two years already. Time passes very fast, know? Without noticing, you may be married and have seven dear children! LOL! Just kidding.


Here are some mistakes teachers made during my classes.

Geography teacher - Pn.Tan

She is amazingly annoying. She doesn't deserve to be a 2A class teacher, because she only read the text in the textbook! She doesn't give us extra knowledge and her voice is disturbing. Not just she sucks in teaching, she is rude to students! Elizabeth also agreed with this. Like calling them useless students! People have feelings you know? I apologize for being rude, but this how I think about her.

Mistake 1. The word "kawasan" was written "kawan".

Mistake 2. The number "59" was written "99" Mistake number one was still acceptable, but this mistake? I don't think so.

Mistake 3. The word "penanaman" was written "penanama" This is so funny.

Mistake 4. Time "P.M." was written "cm(centimetres)"



Math teacher - Pn. Rohayah (Is it this spelling?)

She taught me in Form 1 and I still don't really like her. I don't like her way of teaching. She teaches us Math mixed with Bahasa Melayu. Math in secondary are in English, my dear teacher.

Well. Her mistake is only one :P

Mistake 1. The picture shown is NOT an equation. It's what my teacher said. Correct me if I am wrong.


But our teacher said : "Ini bukan not equation!", means this is not not equation, in a funny way ._.


Moral teacher - Pn.Tan (This is another teacher)

She doesn't make mistakes, but I heard something funny today from her.

While she was writing notes on the board, I heard a student behind saying I love moral. And then another student said he loved Moral too. But I think he was lying.

He said : "Teacher! I love Moral!"

Teacher replied : "What!? What's your problem!?"

It kinda sound like teacher didn't want him to like Moral. ;D if you get what I am saying.

I think that's all. Tattaa for now!


I suddenly loved every thing around me. My family, my friends, my everything.

To my family and my friends, to everyone, to things around me, that gave me happiness.



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