10th of April - Fire DEMO

It's also J-Why's birthday. Bleh, this is one of the 16 posts that I deleted >__> Going to type it again since this was posted not long ago.


We copying notes from our teacher in school and then a teacher entered our classroom and talked to my teacher. And suddenly she said.

"There's the fire-alarm practice again (In Bahasa Melayu)."

And just after teacher said that, the class beside us cheered. My class wasn't really happy about because teacher just gave us notes and we are not done copying it. And to make things worse, it was raining.

Again, why can't we hear the emergency bell?

Everyone went to the field and gathered. How do they expect us to sit on wet grass? My legs went numb after squatting for quite some time. Teacher then ordered us to go to the hall and sit in our positions.

Today there are fire fighters coming to my school to demonstrate. The captain gave a short speech but I couldn't hear him because he was talking too fast and unclear.

It was funny when the captain ordered the members of the fire fighter club in my school to march and leave the hall. Instead of leaving the hall nicely, they seem to turn into many directions. I can't describe it well =/

Then, they demonstrated how fire fighters carry people on the body while climbing down the ladder and also spraying water from the giant water hose. It was a new experience for us to see.

Then the fun starts. They fire fighters lighted some fire and showed us how to extinguish it with a fire extinguisher. They also choose some students to do it too. Elizabeth was beside me and she said she wanted to try but they didn't picked her :(

Every time they extinguish the fire, there's a smell everywhere. I pity the Form 1 students that are facing the fire and the wind is also blowing towards their direction.

The demonstration delayed the Form 1's recess time and was forced to have recess with us. Poor Hana has to work at the Koperasi while Kitty and I have a break at the canteen.

Then, we continued to our lessons.

I guess that's all about today.


*sobcrysobsobcry* T_T


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