Oopsie Daisy!

No I am not talking about daisies and flowers ._.


Wahahaha. I feel so happy. Lately my friends are playing audition. So that means more friends to play with me, more merrier ~

Just moments ago, I played with Kitty (xIceCream) from the morning until 1p.m.

Featuring our star! xIceCream!

ACash user! D:
Whee. Playing with our star!

Did you know that when you play Audition, and if you're a girl, and you're wearing skirt while dancing. You might see THAT?

And if you don't know what I am talking about. I am here to show you. This is THAT.

Don't say I am a pervert. I am just doing this because Kitty does this too. Plus, I am doing this for the laughs. For MYSELF to laugh. And it's not like it's in real life xD
Just to be fair.
Wahahaha. Mine is not so obvious.
Girls are strong too! x)
-End of post-
Since I got nothing to write or talk about ._.
Please check this video out. It's awesome :)


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