The Last Dance of Grade 6

It's the day of my Grade 6 ballet examination. The examination begins at 11 something, but I arrived at my studio at 9:45 a.m. And that means, no Wushu lessons for today! T_T

I was the first to reach, followed by SW (Not Siok Woon kay? ;D), E and K. They are joining me in today's examination. I dare not to put up their name because. I feel wrong doing it ;D

We tried tying the hairstyle my teacher mentioned but we don't know how so my teacher helped us a little bit. The hairstyle looked like a children hairstyle... = = Then, I warmed up at the small sized studio.

A girl came in and stand near the bar where I am and looked at me. I felt kinda scared and sit on the floor. Then, she followed me again, sitting on the ground.
I asked.

"Why are looking at me?"

"Because the leotard and shoes are different from ours." the little girl said.

I asked again. "What grade are you in now?"

"Grade 2."

"When you reached Grade 6, you can wear these like me." I said.

"What!? Grade 6? That's a long way to go!" I LOLed.

Then, we practiced together and then it was time. I got nervous O_O My heart is racing! It rained sweat on my body! I shivered! Nahh. I am not that nervous >_>

We entered the room when we heard the bell and greeted the examiner. We put down our things and then we begin at barre section and then center. While we were waiting next to the examiner for the next exercise, this happened.


I think it's funny ;D

I don't know if she doesn't like us standing there or what. She even told us to stand near the door! Where we can't see her, she can't see us. =/

Then, after E danced her classical dance, we danced free movement and the free movement dance too.

Then, after the character section is done, we thanked the examiner and the pianist and left. *phew*

During this examination, I smiled as much as I can. I smiled much more from other previous examination and E said 3 of us smiled until we can see our teeth. LOL.

When I was waiting for my turn to dance, I suddenly thought. It's the last time I am going to dance Grade 6, and I keep reminding myself to dance as good as I can. I rather enjoy dancing this grade, than trying my best to score higher than 90. Well of course I am going to try my best too =/

I guess I will never dance Grade 6 again. It's a wonderful grade and I hope Grade 7 is going to be nice, or even better :)


YAY~ Didn't go to school today ~


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