June is bored! :O

I just felt like posting something before I turn off the computer and have to wait for next week to touch the computer again. I am bored and I can't get into Audition.


Great news! I just turned into a Clubber (Level 16). I wasted 1050 den for one try. Eekk.

PE also joined Audition but had problems making her own ID. So she used my brother's and my brother just said

"Next time don't do that. Don't lend my ID to other people"


Listening to song Be My Lover sung by La Bouche. Sitting on a chair. Breathing.


Since I have nothing to write I shall post pictures! :D

Zero kissed Yuuki. YAY! <3

Bleh. No time already. Need to eat dinner. NOOO. I want my computarrr!! T__T


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