Koko ni Iru Yo!

Lately I keep waking up at 8 a.m. Yay! I won't sleep like a pig anymore!


Koko ni Iru Yo! is a manga created by Tooyama Ema. PE said that this was also the author of another manga QQ宝贝蛋. Well, I couldn't notice at first.

The reason I am posting about this manga is because it was the first manga that made me cry. Yes, I am emotional.

When I read this manga, it only have few chapters so I wasn't really interested in it. When I knew they updated this manga, I begun reading again and noticed that it's actually a nice manga. And now I want more of it.


The synopsis of this manga is about a girl named Sumino (or Hikage or even Himawari) that doesn't stand out. It's like she doesn't exist because no one would notice her. Everyday she goes to her blog and there's two person always commenting on her blog. Believe me, the blog is related to the story. One day, one of two popular guys named Hinata noticed her and treats her nicely. And then the story goes on :)

It made me cry because the manga shows Sumino try really, really, REALLY hard to get anyone to notice her. And when she gets too close to Hinata, other girls got jealous and bullied her. I can remember the moment when they bullied her. The once weak Sumino became strong and defended herself. Man, it was so touching. *sniff*

In the manga, the two popular guys are Hinata and Teru. Teru doesn't stand out much but later in the manga he's an important role too. Am I spoiling too much? Anyway Teru is very handsome *___* he is more handsome than Hinata. LOL.

This manga can be read at MangaFox.


My mother used to plant sunflowers.
But it was really hard to keep them alive =/
They were really pretty.


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