Modern Contemporary

After the examination of Grade 6, my teacher replaced the class to Modern Contemporary. But sometimes my teacher call it Modern Ballet. Because the steps and move are almost similar to ballet.

Our teacher, who will be teaching and guiding us Modern Ballet is Hoi Cheng Sim, a finalist for the show So You Think You Can Dance Season 2. She is a professional dancer. Amazing right? I felt lucky to see her, even though I never seen the show =/

It was Thursday, 17th of April, when we first attend our Modern Ballet class. We saw our teacher OMG-LOOK-IT'S-OUR-TEACHER!

Look it's Sim looking at you and smiling at you!

My teacher introduced her to us and she introduced us to her. Then we begun our class immediately.

Man, it was hard and tiring. She teaches fast like a train that doesn't wait for the passengers. My ballet teacher is watching at the back, smiling evilly D:

When she asked who can't keep up, we didn't reply and presented her a messy dance. Then, Sim said seriously,

" If you can't keep up, just say it. It's wasting your energy, and also MINE. "

It was creeeeepy! It was quiet the whole class and no one dared to speak or laugh. At the end of the class, she told us to memorize some steps and at home I kept practicing them =/

Today, 25th of April, it was another teacher teaching us. I think her name was Crystal. She went to Brisbane, Australia to learn Ballet and Modern Contemporary for 4 years and she came back to Malaysia.

She looks nice and kind and we still dared to laugh around her.

The things she teached were easier than teacher Sim, and I really enjoyed dancing :)

It was so lively and cheerful in the studio. Cheerful, until things kinda get out of hand. Then, teacher Crystal said, like teacher Sim.

" If you don't know the steps, ask. Don't waste your energy and MINE. "

Ahh. All Modern Ballet dancers have same things going in their head. And then another time she said,

" Please, take things seriously and be considerate. Don't just stand there laughing and blocking your friends' way. "

When she said these sentences, she was so fierce but her face doesn't really show it, which make it more creepier.

I wonder why, must we laugh, after every exercise? I looked at some of my classmates and SERIOUSLY, why must we laugh after each exercise. = = I am annoyed by it.

Overall, Modern Ballet is quite interesting and you don't really need technique compared to Ballet. But you need flexibility and emotions, face expressions and eye focus. I think soooo.


Lately, the temperature is rising and I think it's the effect of global warming. It can reach over 40 degree celcious outside and it's just so freeakking hot! D:


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