
Showing posts from August, 2009

Strobe Edge

It had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning. --- I ran out of mangas to read so I was desperate to read one. At first I hesitated to read this manga, but oh well. I shall give it a try, and I didn't regretted it. Synopsis : Ninako is a meek, gentle high school student. She has never been in love. Ninako asks Daiki, who has emotions towards her, about what being in love feels like. She thinks he is a good guy but, one day, on the train home from school, she bumps into Ren, a popular guy at school. With just a short conversation and his smile, she experiences a new feeling. Just what is this feeling? Ninako’s first love is starting! It's fun to see Ninako searching the true meaning of love and wonders how is the feeling of love. When Ninako went aimlessly and thinks she is in love with Daiki (which is not, she followed her friends' advices too much), I was like NOO! YOU GOT THE WRONG GUY! And so on. I talked too much to myself in front of

28th of August - Chuo Han's Birthday

Another person turned 14 today. And it's my friend Chuo Han :3 --- Something I made for you, manman ~ Made the whole thingy kinda purple, since she likes purple ._. Am I right? About the girl's clothing. I actually wanted her to wear maid's clothing but in the end it turned out like this. And coloured it in purple LOL. Not satisfied with the hands, eeks. >_> Anyway, Happy Birthday! --- Don't know how to colour the boy's shirt. BLEH.

Tagged by Nicole <3

Rule #1:If you open this you take it. Rule #2:You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks. Rule #3:Tag 25 people, including the person you got this from. Answer True or False : Q: Kissed someone on your friends list? -- Yeah, it goes like : MUUACKS! <3 Q: Been arrested? -- False. Q: Do you like someone? -- False. Q: Held a snake? -- True. Q: Been suspended from school? -- False. Q: Sang karaoke? -- False. Been there, but never sang. Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? -- True. Q: Laughed until you started crying? -- True. Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue? -- True. Q: Kissed in the rain? -- False. But that would be super romantic <3 Q: Sang in the shower? -- True. Q: Sat on a roof top? -- False. Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? -- False. Q: Broken a bone? -- False. Q: Shaved your head? -- False. Q: Played a prank on someone? -- True. Q: Shot a gun? -- False. Q: Donated Blood? -- False. LAST PERSON... 1.

Kiss for You <3

Did this because I wanted to hide the Audition post so people don't think I am an Audition freak. Too bad, I am :P --- I wasn't really satisfied with it. Oh well, nevermind. The picture was actually bigger, but I cropped it and I only got this that is coloured. I don't want to colour it all over again >_> KISSSS YOU! <3 The original thingy. Comments and criticisms appreciated! <3 *going to audi*

Audi Udpate! <3

Not going to school today! Because of the H1N1 cases and lots of students aren't going to school. Plus, the teacher don't teach us anymore. What's the point going? And to make things better, I don't have ballet classes and that means I am totally FREE today! --- Yeah it's another update. In fact, it's a big update! New songs, new clothes and other new things! Yaaaaaay! Took just a while to load the patch. But there was some problems. And then I need to wait, and wait. Brr. They changed the patch :D There are 10+ new songs and they have GEE! SNSD'S GEE! HAHAHAHA. A lot of new songs :3 And if you're lazy to go to the Mall and change our clothes, with the new wardrobe, you don't to! You can change our clothes in the room, which makes things more easier. I tried the new songs in Beat Up and there's two Level 3 songs. One is Bu Ke Si Yi and You. Bu Ke Si Yi is okay, but You is 180bpm. Everything is so fast and who knows what will happen next? And r

Reading Fever.

Lately, I don't know why, I don't how, I actually wanted read books. Of course, it isn't text books and revision books. Bleh, those never attract me anyway. Maybe after I started reading Cirque du Freak that I loaned from my classmate, I wanted to read more words. I always asked my friend to read faster so I can read them too. It's just too interesting :x There are total 12 books of this series. I spot them yesterday and I seriously wanted to read all of them. But, EXPENSIVEOMGGG. On Sunday, I went to a warehouse sales selling books. I really wanted to read a book, but I don't know what to choose. And I dare not to buy too many books, because all of them look expensive. So I choosed a book named In the Cards : Life. I just bought it on Sunday, and read finish it on Monday. NOOO. It's simple enough for me to understand and I really liked it. Actually, there's two other books called In the Cards : Love and In the Cards : Fame. I spot Fame that day but I di

15th of August - Canteen Day

It's also Elizabeth's birthday. I'm sorry for not wishing you at school! T__T If you see this please forgive me. @@ Happy Birthday Elizabeth :D --- It's a Saturday and at first I didn't want to attend a stupid school day, but for my History project, I have to do it. The Form 1 and Form 2 students gathered at the basketball court and later was moved to the hall. Then we had to listen the headmistress giving a speech that I really don't care. And later followed by some guy that speaked in a tiny small voice. Sorry Kaya, I lied that I deleted this photo. And then it was the prize giving time. It took a damn looooooooooooooooooong time to wait to wait until the ceremony ended. Luckily, there's a rubix cube to entertain me and also Hana's manga! <3 Finally everything ended and the performances were just okay. There's a Malay, Indian and Chinese dance and an Orchestra performance. *Lazy to post Malay dance* The song is cuuute! :D HAHAHAHA. The gir

Ooh La La, The Randomness.

I have been told that I played too much Audition and posting them too much on my blog. D: Yay, Kar Yen and Yuri is playing Audition~ --- My history result is out - 62. I thought I got a B, then Felicia asked me. "65 marks above only get B, right?" And then the whole world turn dark and cold. --- Since people say I blog too much Audition, now I shall present you O2JAM! <3 Crazy slowjam. >_> O2Jam was the first online game I played and I have been playing it for two years. Audition is going to break the record, owh noes T_T In O2Jam I really met great friends and joined a great guild. It really breaks my heart that O2Jam had to gone. WHYY!!?? If I could turn back time, I would spend more time on it. ;_; Mesha and I used to fight whether O2Jam or Audition is better ._. --- Ice cream cones and snow cones! <3 This picture rocks. PO-TA-TO. Find the potato in this video! Ryan Higa rocks. --- That's enough for today.

Happy :D

Congratulations to -EMO-KAIWEN, FAM master of -VSP-Club, to successfully get married with --PAJIA0 ~ It was a wonderful moment. :D --- Well, Mesha, Kitty and me were actually playing with the FAM members of VSP. And then we went to Free 6 to attend the wedding. Yay, second time to attend a wedding. Kinda excited because it's someone's wedding that I actually know. So beautiful *___* Everyone was cheering for them and --PAJIA0's friend were waving pompoms. Mesha and Kitty, however remained silent :x I don't have to say anything and I don't want to distract them. Unfortunately, they didn't get synchro perfects and failed the wedding twice. At the third time, at the last second and I really meant it, they managed to pass the license. Everytime they synchro perfect I shout YAY! for them xD Yaaay! Everyone celebrate ~ Aww I didn't get it x.x However I had to do something with my di NoObOi and then later joined them. KAIWEN asked me to join his FAM and I really

Tagged by Cindy x3

abc'sShareRULES : Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to copy-paste this note, and answer all the questions. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged - including the person who tagged you.ABC About You Questions: A - Available: Available to my friends and family :3 B - BIRTHDAY: 11th of June. C - CRUSHING ON: Usui <3 D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Some kind of healthy drink. E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Myself. F - FAVORITE SONG: Songs in language I don't understand <3 G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy worms :P HOMETOWN: Malacca IN LOVE WITH: Usui <3 Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yeah. Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: No. Ever cried over the opposite sex?: I think. Do you cry when you get an injury?: When I am small. Do certain songs make you cry?: Yeah. Are you a happy person?: Depends. What can make you happy?: Computerrrr. Do you wish you were happier?: Maybe, right now. Can music make you happy?: Hell yeah. LOVE SECTION. How many times have you

-VSP-Club Borned !

The dream was finally fulfilled and the dream is still going on. -VSP-Club is a FAM in AuditionSEA. VSP stands for Very Shuai/Smexy People. The name of this fame was originally created by l_Mesha_l and xIceCream. But later -EMO-KAIWEN became the FAM master and I don't know why. He is also willing to create this FAM. LOL. Since my xSnowCone is going to follow after my di NoObOi's fam, my second account xHirohata joined this FAM. I want to support my friends too ~ xHirohata is so plain ._. Our FAM rocks because of that lemon. Our FAM introduction : *hearts*25/7/09 (: HUAN YING TO VSP :D brought to eu by me and kaps (: we smth are very noisy and overhigh :D so dun mind us *shy* if eu hav soooo much spare money, I sincerely welcome eu to donate to our dear ling mong *muacks* The Veri Shuai Person Club cheers :D Friendly, right? xD I see a bright future for this FAM :D -VSP-Club rocks!

Update :)

Yeah it's an update. Going to write it all down on what happened this week. --- I hope you all notice that I changed the banner and the music. Quite satisfied with the banner, except for the umbrella. The song is It's Gonna Rain! by Bonnie Pink featured in Rurouni Keshin. -VSP-Club is formed! It's a new FAM in AuditionSEA and it's future looks bright! I will write a post about it. Maybe. I think. EEKK. There will be no more Modern Comptempary classes from now on. All the ballet lessons will be cut down to only DOUBLE lessons! I want more lessons or my standard is going to drop. NOOO! I studied seriously for Geography for the first time in my life. There's an exam on the 3rd of August and I promised to Felicia that I would not get second last in class ._. A 2H student was transferrred to our class because of his discipline problems. My teacher said he almost punched a teacher. Poor thing, he's gonna suffer if he's staying with us. The front of my house'