Ooh La La, The Randomness.

I have been told that I played too much Audition and posting them too much on my blog. D:

Yay, Kar Yen and Yuri is playing Audition~


My history result is out - 62.

I thought I got a B, then Felicia asked me.

"65 marks above only get B, right?"

And then the whole world turn dark and cold.


Since people say I blog too much Audition, now I shall present you

O2JAM! <3

Crazy slowjam. >_>

O2Jam was the first online game I played and I have been playing it for two years. Audition is going to break the record, owh noes T_T

In O2Jam I really met great friends and joined a great guild. It really breaks my heart that O2Jam had to gone. WHYY!!??

If I could turn back time, I would spend more time on it. ;_;

Mesha and I used to fight whether O2Jam or Audition is better ._.


Ice cream cones and snow cones! <3

This picture rocks. PO-TA-TO.

Find the potato in this video! Ryan Higa rocks.


That's enough for today.


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