Reading Fever.

Lately, I don't know why, I don't how, I actually wanted read books.

Of course, it isn't text books and revision books. Bleh, those never attract me anyway.

Maybe after I started reading Cirque du Freak that I loaned from my classmate, I wanted to read more words. I always asked my friend to read faster so I can read them too. It's just too interesting :x

There are total 12 books of this series. I spot them yesterday and I seriously wanted to read all of them. But, EXPENSIVEOMGGG.

On Sunday, I went to a warehouse sales selling books. I really wanted to read a book, but I don't know what to choose. And I dare not to buy too many books, because all of them look expensive.

So I choosed a book named In the Cards : Life.

I just bought it on Sunday, and read finish it on Monday. NOOO.

It's simple enough for me to understand and I really liked it. Actually, there's two other books called In the Cards : Love and In the Cards : Fame. I spot Fame that day but I didn't buy it. Now I regret my choice. >_> WHYDIDNTILISTENTOMYMOTHER.

And just yesterday, I followed my parents to shopping. We stop at Popular and I quickly went to find a book to read.

Unfortunately, no books attract me except Cirque du Freak and a book called Magician Guild. However, this book seems hard to understand and not suitable for me. So I just left it at the shelf.

I was disappointed that I haven't choose a book so my mother just randomly picked a book and threw it to me. A book called Things I want my Daughters to Know.

Since it's my mother's choice so we decided to read the book together. I was afraid that I couldn't understand the book.

The comments written at the book were :

"This powerful tale packs an EMOTIONAL punch."

"An EMOTIONAL rollercoaster."

"A journey through EMOTIONALLY charged mother-daughter territory..."

"This weepie packs a powerful EMOTIONAL punch."

I think I will be crying even before the reading starts. I am emotional and I cry even a cat dies. So I guess I will be shedding a lot of tears. AHHH.

After reading this emotional rollercoaster I guess I will be reading my brother's game books that he says that is interesting. Oh well.


ASSASIN CREEEED! Who's this guy again? I don't care. He looks mysterious <3


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