Happy :D

Congratulations to -EMO-KAIWEN, FAM master of -VSP-Club, to successfully get married with --PAJIA0 ~

It was a wonderful moment. :D


Well, Mesha, Kitty and me were actually playing with the FAM members of VSP. And then we went to Free 6 to attend the wedding. Yay, second time to attend a wedding. Kinda excited because it's someone's wedding that I actually know.

So beautiful *___*

Everyone was cheering for them and --PAJIA0's friend were waving pompoms. Mesha and Kitty, however remained silent :x I don't have to say anything and I don't want to distract them.

Unfortunately, they didn't get synchro perfects and failed the wedding twice. At the third time, at the last second and I really meant it, they managed to pass the license. Everytime they synchro perfect I shout YAY! for them xD

Yaaay! Everyone celebrate ~

Aww I didn't get it x.x

However I had to do something with my di NoObOi and then later joined them. KAIWEN asked me to join his FAM and I really wanted to but I kinda was waiting for my di to create our own FAM. Haiiz, my head is swelling.

Everyone is a part of -VSP- T___T Only MEEEEEE.

I should answer him back on the next time I meet him x.x

Till then ~


My exam results are quite satisfying, for ME.

BM - 55. Can't improve it.


BI - 86. I want 90 and above. @@

Science - 98! One damn question and I get 100%! T__T

Geography - 74. Hey, I improved.

Moral - 88. Felicia got 100% OMGGG.

KH - 68. Yay improvement.

Waiting for History. I sense bad things are going to happen.


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