
Showing posts from January, 2010

If I were a Boy

By Beyonce :D --- If I were a boy, I would ask myself, "If I were a girl." It would be the same, I don't wear skirts. Maybe I would be taller :D I won't read shoujo mangas and I won't know how handsome Usui or Kazehaya is D: The whole family of mine won't have girls, except for my mother. I don't think I would learn ballet. If I do, uhh, I don't know. I won't have to suffer every month :O I won't be playing plushies and playing race cars (race cars are not cute.). I would be staying up late watching football game and cheering for Manchestor United D: I would be looking at pretty girls LOL. I would be super interested in PS2, PS3, XBOX 360, PSP, Wii, Nintendo, COD, CS, L4D? Mehh, I'm not really a boy so I don't quite understand them :D --- SMK PBP 1's 3A 2010 is having a blog of their own ! Super great idea from our fellow classmates. Sad to say it's going on private after a few weeks. Here's the link :D www.3a-rules-the-scho

That Stab in the Heart

The hole just gets bigger and bigger, sorrow filling my empty heart. --- I am frustrated and I have no more hiding places to spill my true feelings. Facebook, there's no secrets there. MSN, words spread like air. Friends? They're too cheerful to hear miserable things. My blog is the only place I can spit everything out since only my true friends visit my blog. Last time I mentioned that I was going for a Ballet competition and I was actually really excited about it. And two lessons is already enough to break my spirit. I attended the class yesterday and relieved to see another girl that will accompany me going through the cruel lesson. I know there's four girls including me going to the competition. I'm the oldest among all of them. Old, old, old. Anyways, the other girl was improving very fast while I was struggling with my posture, technique, my whole body that is. My teacher kept correcting me and kept telling me to do what and what should I do. I completely understa

23th of January - PE's Farewell Party

I want the book Inkdeath so badly I am willing summon Basta from the book, if I have the voice. LOL. Capricorn is too creepy and too dangerous :x --- The day started with one of school's activity - Road Run. On my first year at my secondary school, I was sick and was unable to run at all. On the second year, I wasted my energy at the begining of the race and got the 117th place, that is Hana's ranking + 100. So this year I decided to not waste my energy and no running for me. Jogging would be enough. I started with Hwey Xien, Jastina and Yi Vien. Sw and Hana was already at the front. We didn't want to have Hana waiting for us because we want her to do her very best. :] My wife ♥ Well, at last I was seperated from Yi Vien, Hwey Xien and Jastina because they were tired and I wanted to continue. I catched up Sw and went alone the whole race. I managed to get the 33th place. It's not a really good ranking but I improved, and proud of it. Hana also improved and I am proud of

I'm Not a Kid Anymore :|

Seeing Chinese words in my blog is like seeing a lion in the north pole. Rare. --- Seeing the Form 1 students getting into their lines at the school hall, carrying bags with their tiny body, preparing to go for another day at school. It makes me feel old. I still remembered the day when I just came into my school, looking at those seniors. Like them, I have been through what they're experiencing now. Looking at them makes me feel nostalgic for some reason. I still remembered the day when I playing O2Jam and I was only 10, shocking everyone who asked about my age. And now when I play AuditionSEA, everyone around is younger than me ): I have been on this Earth for 14 years and how many months? That's just a while compared to those 100 year old Japaneses. Yet it felt like a century passing by, I don't think I have the patience if I have to wait till I'm 20. Sometimes I ask my mother, how can she wait for such a long time? Won't she get bored of waiting? How can she pat

Tagged by Yuri :P

It's first time I'm doing a Chinese tagging, thingy. Mehh, I would write another post later. --- 幸福点名,不答幸福就跑掉。。。 幸福点名游戏规则回答下列问题,并贴到自己的博客上,写完后,传给十 个人,可以点被点过的人被你点到的人你要去跟他说,我点到你了写完后去跟点到你的人说我写完了不可以不写哦,不然幸福就会跑掉哦 我的大名: 嘉莉 我的生日:11/06/1995 谁传给你的: Yuri ~ 春节想得到什么礼物:没想过。 近期压力大的事: 好多功课啊~ 以后想从事什么职业:画家?舞蹈家? 我喜欢的就可以. 有没有喜欢的人: Heheheheh . 同学会要回去找老师吗:不是很明白这题. 跟谁出去最幸福 : *give up typing Chinese* I don't understand :D 如果你的两个好友吵架了: Cham lorh. D: 跟情人最想去哪 :Japan. :O 圣诞节去杆什么了:Performing at shopping mall >_> 其实最想跟谁过圣诞节:Friends and family :] 有几个兄弟姐妹:2 brothers. 最喜欢的一首歌:Hard to tell. 最后悔的事是什么:Many, many, many things D: 最喜欢什么颜色:Pink ~ 厕所会不会先冲水:Of course. 最想大声说什么:I WANT INKDEEAATTHH ! 半夜敢不敢自己上厕所:Scared of what? If cockroach, I scared lerh LOL :X 谁很欠打:Mixpod for not making my playlist work ! >: 现在很迷什么:Reading books ._. 睡相很差:Ok larh. 现在的时间:10.31pm 是否痛恨传给你点卷的人:Nope? 今天天气:Rained heavily. 你若中乐透最想做什么:Huh? Whut? 大学生一定要玩的活动: Say what? Say what? Ohhh ~ Car wash ~ Car wash ~ 失眠引起的原因:Slept late. 你睡觉有流口水的

Between Heaven and Hell

I feel something stabbing my heart, making a hole, allowing sorrow to fill in my empty heart. There's no reason why I feel sad, maybe it welcomes sadness. --- The grim lights shone the narrow alley. Everything around was lonely and quiet, like there's no sound of the living. Taking small steps, trying to avoid making noises. It was the place for the sick, the people near death, the place for the Grim Reaper to take anyone's lives that dangles on the line. If you're lucky, you might make it alive. The heavy smell of medicine fills in your nostrils, the awful silence swallows you up. This certainly isn't the place for someone healthy, even the sick wouldn't want to be there. Pale people lay in their bed, expressionless and motionless. Wondering when they could be free. While some suffers, maybe thinking death is better? Some might even never getting out there ever again. Even if you do get out, you might not be the person who you once been. Being chained up with t

Hmm. ):

Everyone in my school or class is posting about their school lives. :O *Don't want to be left out.* --- I don't know why, but after I changed back to 3A, I don't feel happy ._. Maybe is it because I feel the pressure while I didn't when I stayed at 3C for like, two days? One thing is for sure, the teachers in 3A doesn't accepts EXCUSES or ALASAN. Don't have a good excuse, outside the classroom. And I don't like one of my teachers. She's blur. Not going to say anything else. :D Anyone seen a real heart before? Well I seen a chicken's heart, and it's small. And roasted. :D The thing is my Science teacher wants us to create a model of our heart. Da-bump da-bump. If only our heart is shaped like this, it would be more easier :) It's more cute too ! Homework, homeworks, HOMMEEWORRRKKK. Ima homeworker ! :D Teachers in the morning session are homework giving machines. They NEVER stops :O I might die because of that. But because of that, this year I

Audition, I am BACK :P

Yeeeeah, our school have finally fixed its stupid head and arranged us back to our formal class. Happy to be with my friends again but the teachers are damn creeeepy ! --- Audition, I haven't used this word for a long time in my blog. It was one day when I was playing 1-2 Party with Hana and suddenly a phone call came and then my whole world ended. Like when O2Jam died. I got disconnected and I have no idea why I couldn't play Audition again. I think that was also the time when Audition had a new patch, and most of my friends are having problems. Thus, all of us can't really play. But then my father solved the problem. It seems that one of my modem's cable was plugged at the wrong place, we're able to go on to the Internet but we'll have to go to Command Prompt. So anyways I managed to play Audition again ! It was still Christmas patch (EE Shopping mall 20% discount @@) and Audition was so damn beautiful @w@ Ahh, it's also snowing in Audition :) The tree

Wake Me Up

Seriously. Slap me if you want, just wake me up. --- Even the sun hasn't rise, our school is packed with students. It's the first day of school. I am quite excited, because I can finally see my friends again. Meanwhile I felt nervous, because I have no idea which class I am heading too. Although I am quite sure I won't be staying at A class like last year. Gonna miss 2A, the perfect class for all of us D: We line up according to our class last year and enter a unfamiliar classroom. Then the teacher hold a list and called out some students. Those were the students who were still in A class. My best friend SiokWoon managed to stay in 3A and along with some friends. I entered 3C and Hana went to 3B. GREAT, we're separated. All of the students we separated. We can only blame the school, because this time they don't stream according to the results, but shuffling us RANDOMLY. I was devasted to hear I am in C class. But there were more smart students going to D class, ridi

1st of January 2010

Did you notice the last four post starts with a S? :P --- Fast. That's what I can say. ZOMGCANYOUBELIEVE365DAYSHASALREADYPASSED? The year 2009 passed like it was just yesterday, I could remember I was at my cousin house, also blogging about New Years. Ahh, memories. 2009 was a great year for me :) Althought there were bumps making my road shaky, I also met great things that made my life precious :D Last year, for the first time in my life I entered the first class in school >_<> Last year I also went to Harbin at China ! :D I saw snow for the first time in my life T__T It was so damn fluffy. Fluffy. Fluffy. I wish I could remember more things but for now I am attracted to the TV. Nope not looking at and New Year events but watching a Chinese drama. Strangely everyone's interested in it. Hmm, I'm gonna meet my Australian friend on Saturday. But I'll be a little late though, but it's alright because I haven't seen her for two years T_T Sowiie Hui-Ling, fo