Hmm. ):

Everyone in my school or class is posting about their school lives. :O

*Don't want to be left out.*


I don't know why, but after I changed back to 3A, I don't feel happy ._. Maybe is it because I feel the pressure while I didn't when I stayed at 3C for like, two days?

One thing is for sure, the teachers in 3A doesn't accepts EXCUSES or ALASAN. Don't have a good excuse, outside the classroom. And I don't like one of my teachers. She's blur. Not going to say anything else. :D

Anyone seen a real heart before? Well I seen a chicken's heart, and it's small. And roasted. :D The thing is my Science teacher wants us to create a model of our heart. Da-bump da-bump.

If only our heart is shaped like this, it would be more easier :) It's more cute too !

Homework, homeworks, HOMMEEWORRRKKK. Ima homeworker ! :D Teachers in the morning session are homework giving machines. They NEVER stops :O I might die because of that.

But because of that, this year I decided to change! I wanna be like my friend, SW to finish up her homework before going to the computer! I always left my homework for last minute and the results aren't pretty :( So I wanna change! But recently, I failed.

Science Process Skill in front of me now. MUST DO. URGH ! Lungs D:

Don't have to go for tuition until February, don't ask me why. Ask my mother. The curriculum activities crashed two days of my tuition, now I don't know what to do.

I joined Ping Pong instead of Olahraga this yeeeaaarrr! Elizabeth and Cindy joined other clubs as well =/ I guess the teachers in the morning sessions will be more strict and I guess there's no girls as well >_> But that's the only activity that allows me to run D:

Sitting at the baaack row with Yi Vien. *___* We changed seats a lot of times.





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