I'm Not a Kid Anymore :|

Seeing Chinese words in my blog is like seeing a lion in the north pole. Rare.


Seeing the Form 1 students getting into their lines at the school hall, carrying bags with their tiny body, preparing to go for another day at school. It makes me feel old.

I still remembered the day when I just came into my school, looking at those seniors. Like them, I have been through what they're experiencing now. Looking at them makes me feel nostalgic for some reason.

I still remembered the day when I playing O2Jam and I was only 10, shocking everyone who asked about my age. And now when I play AuditionSEA, everyone around is younger than me ):

I have been on this Earth for 14 years and how many months? That's just a while compared to those 100 year old Japaneses. Yet it felt like a century passing by, I don't think I have the patience if I have to wait till I'm 20.

Sometimes I ask my mother, how can she wait for such a long time? Won't she get bored of waiting? How can she patiently wait for the time to pass by, slowly passing the years. I don't think I really got the answer.

Mehh, how did I even pass those dreadful 14 nearly 15 years? There was too much going on, too much to think. Ahh, now I feel strange all over. LOL.

Thinking about the future is also a scary thing. I can imagine myself working somewhere, or maybe married to someone. It's me, but an older version of me. And you can't go back to the past, sadly. But all that I know is that time is still moving, I should move on too. But it just seems so slow. D:

Strangely, I never really remember little kids calling me "sister" or "jie". I wanna be called like that too LOL ! But it means I'm older than them right? Old, old, old. Didn't I just hate that a moment ago?

I have no idea what I am blogging about.



I'm going for school's road run tomorrow morning. Then attending my Ballet classes, and then lastly heading to PE's farewell party. Going to be a long day, I guess? I think I will take pictures.

Btw read this guy's blog. Awesome, I'll say. :P Heh.


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