23th of January - PE's Farewell Party

I want the book Inkdeath so badly I am willing summon Basta from the book, if I have the voice. LOL.

Capricorn is too creepy and too dangerous :x


The day started with one of school's activity - Road Run. On my first year at my secondary school, I was sick and was unable to run at all. On the second year, I wasted my energy at the begining of the race and got the 117th place, that is Hana's ranking + 100.

So this year I decided to not waste my energy and no running for me. Jogging would be enough. I started with Hwey Xien, Jastina and Yi Vien. Sw and Hana was already at the front. We didn't want to have Hana waiting for us because we want her to do her very best. :] My wife ♥

Well, at last I was seperated from Yi Vien, Hwey Xien and Jastina because they were tired and I wanted to continue. I catched up Sw and went alone the whole race. I managed to get the 33th place. It's not a really good ranking but I improved, and proud of it. Hana also improved and I am proud of her :]

Next year I'm going to follow Hana the whole race, and maybe, just MAYBE, let's make it to the top 10 :P


My posture really is a big problem as my Ballet teacher tells me. Every class I'm trying to use my upper back muscle, which is very hard.

Well I wanna tell everyone I'm going for a competition during June, not sure when but June :D I had my first training last Thursday and I was so god damn tiring. Everything had to be perfect. The technique, the expressions, the posture. Most importantly you must have the passion to dance.

I'm going to die next Thursday. UWAHH WHERE IS EVERYONEEE.

I'm also having problems with my attitude ;_;
PE had organized a farewell party as she's moving somewhere during March. Me and some of my friends were invited but they are meanies and don't attend the party because they were tired after the road run in the MORNING.

Well let me tell you something, I attend the road run in the MORNING, 3 hours of painful ballet lessons in the AFTERNOON, and finally attending the party at the EVENING till night :D

Another reason was it was best friend and I wanted to see her house and her doggie again :D No I was jokking, PE.

PE's haunted mansion :O

To people who never seen me wearing a skirt, I wore it that day. BWAHAHAA, Jastina, Sw, Hana and HCH you MISSED IT LOLLLLL. *ahemcoughcough* There's no freedom wearing a skirt, you must sit properly and politely, and that just sucks.

All of the people there are PE's classmates and I was the only one who don't know anyone except for PE. But I did met Catherine(his real name is Kevin xD) and a few people there :D

I also met a girl who has a same shirt as me. Uhh, okay. Yay.

PE's classmate are very lively and they all are very close(that's what I think). And PE's more close to the boys if you ask me :D To be honest I really rather hang out with the guys if they weren't so perverted. LOL.

Last time when I came to PE's birthday party, we had to cramp in her room. This time we cramped in her brother's room. Oh the deja vu.


Well I did nothing really. I kept following PE around because I don't know anyone there and I am scared to be alone. xD I went back at 11. Damn tired after that day. WHEEEEE.


Found out why my playlist couldn't work. The playlist is now at the bottom because the skin wouldn't fit at the side ._.

Now you have to scroll all the way down to shut up da music :D


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