Wake Me Up

Seriously. Slap me if you want, just wake me up.


Even the sun hasn't rise, our school is packed with students. It's the first day of school.

I am quite excited, because I can finally see my friends again. Meanwhile I felt nervous, because I have no idea which class I am heading too. Although I am quite sure I won't be staying at A class like last year. Gonna miss 2A, the perfect class for all of us D:

We line up according to our class last year and enter a unfamiliar classroom. Then the teacher hold a list and called out some students. Those were the students who were still in A class. My best friend SiokWoon managed to stay in 3A and along with some friends.

I entered 3C and Hana went to 3B. GREAT, we're separated. All of the students we separated. We can only blame the school, because this time they don't stream according to the results, but shuffling us RANDOMLY.

I was devasted to hear I am in C class. But there were more smart students going to D class, ridiculous right? And the stupid and bad ones still managed to get in the top class. That's horribly stupid of the school to do such things !

There is no more A class. Every class' standard is the same. There is the smart ones, the stupid ones, the bad ones and the good ones. But how will the parents think? Normally if you tell people you're in E class they will think like, "Oh, that's horrible." Even if your standard is in the A class.

Now the weaker students will bring down the smarter students if they can't catch up, and it will also affect the discipline of the class. Horrible, terrible, unacceptable.


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