Audition, I am BACK :P

Yeeeeah, our school have finally fixed its stupid head and arranged us back to our formal class. Happy to be with my friends again but the teachers are damn creeeepy !


Audition, I haven't used this word for a long time in my blog.

It was one day when I was playing 1-2 Party with Hana and suddenly a phone call came and then my whole world ended. Like when O2Jam died. I got disconnected and I have no idea why I couldn't play Audition again.

I think that was also the time when Audition had a new patch, and most of my friends are having problems. Thus, all of us can't really play.

But then my father solved the problem. It seems that one of my modem's cable was plugged at the wrong place, we're able to go on to the Internet but we'll have to go to Command Prompt.

So anyways I managed to play Audition again ! It was still Christmas patch (EE Shopping mall 20% discount @@) and Audition was so damn beautiful @w@

Ahh, it's also snowing in Audition :)

The tree set is cute x3

Well there are new songs, new moves, new items (ALL AT 20% DISCOUNT AHH), many many many new things :D The biggest change to me was the license. I clearly remember before I had problems with Audi my license for Lvl 22 was 130bpm and 390k score. Now it's 100bpm 250k score. The standard is getting low ! =/

But previously I had hard time passing and now I pass it at one go ! :P

You can have a magic lamp each time you level up. It allows you to buy 7 days cash items. I think.

And now there's annoying tree in the middle of the room.

One thing I have to say. Audition's new Beat Up songs are damn hard now. You have to spam your finger's lives if you want to full combo a song. I am not surprised if Audition have Lvl 6 songs in Beat Up mode :P

Oh, there's also 9k mode now :P FUNNN ~

How I wish my friends can play Audition again T__T


I wanna post something, but that would have to wait for next week D:



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