11th of November - Being With Friends

is the best thing ever.


They say that it happens only once in a hundred years but I don't really care. 11/11/11 to me is just another day. I still have to wake up, I still have to go for Ballet classes, and I still can't fly. It's just another day.

But well, I did go out with my friends during this 'special' day. I have to say, I had a blast. Whee, since it's 11/11/11, I'll just say absolutely everything that happened on that day.

I went to Sunway in the morning and it was raining. The rain caused traffic and just like always, I'm the first to arrive at the ice rink and I have to wait for my friends. I went in first and eventually they came.

The rink was quite empty that day. I was wondering where all the pros were but it's better if they're not there. That way there's more space for us to skate and we don't feel pressured with our bad skating skills.

I HAD FUN, YEAH. I improved and I'm very happy about it. I think my friends had fun too. The ice didn't really melt, too. Whee.

At 11:11 AM, someone appeared for someone. ;hoho

After ice skating, we went to have lunch. Haha, this time was special. We had our lunch at Pizza Hut. And there was twelve of us, so they arranged the tables to form a long one.

I ate more than some of the boys, waddaa.

After finishing our lunch, we went for bowling. I didn't play because I didn't want to. ._. Anyways, it's already fun just to see them bowl. And my friends are awesome! They got a number of strikes too! Teehee.

Ding-dong. It was already four and I had to go. Before that we went to Popular to shop. I already skipped one of my Ballet class but my teacher didn't question me. Class was fun, I guess. I wasn't really tired. Well, of course I skipped one hour and a half.

On my way home, I saw some buildings experiencing black outs. In fact, there was many building having black outs. I mean, even the traffic lights weren't working. The restaurants had to light up candles for their customers and it was really dark. 11/11/11, there you go!

I think I had chicken for dinner.

Blah, then I spent my day in front of the computer. At 11:11 PM, I was with Bunneh, in a room, playing Normal mode. How abnormal for us.

I guess that's all for my 11/11/11. Next year, we'll have 12/12/12 and after that we'll never have a 13/13/13 (I doubt superstitious people will like it) and we'll need to wait for another hundred years for a 1/1/1.

It's just another date, whatdaheck.


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