Here I Welcome, the Holidays.

Seriously, I have no idea what to blog.


After weeks of exam, it's finally the holidays that's every one's waiting for. No more books to read, no more school, no more tuition, no more worries. Well, except for the moment when our school mails our results.

ANYWAY, the main point is that the holidays has begun! Time just keeps passing really fast for me, and soon my schools days are almost over. After the holidays, it will be my last year at secondary school. BRRR, it gives me the shivers.

So what am I going to do during the two months of holidays? I have no freakin' idea. What's on my mind is computer, computer, Audition, computer. Yeah, I do have a sad, un-entertaining life.

I already spent the starting of my holiday at my hometown Malacca. It's been a while since I went there and yes, I'm glad I met my relatives and managed to eat delicious food the first day I went there. It's just that I can't play Audition.

I really like this picture, LOL. (Taken from AuditionSEA's website).

What have kept myself from boredom was a Harry Potter book my friend lend me. If it wasn't for that, I think I will be sleeping the whole day. Man, the book is really thick. And I wonder how am I going to read finish the two HP books and our school's novel Interlok during this holiday.

I just went to my cousin's school's funfair. I wanted to see her school and also experience other school's activities. And it was okay. We managed to eat some potato chips, though.

And I did support my cousin's stall there, yay.

Ahh, I'm also wasting my time playing The Sims Social. I love The Sims, since I was young I loved playing that game. The best version is always the first version. The Sims FTW.

You can never understand a Sims' language.

I don't know what to blog anymore. Oh well, I guess I'll read Harry Potter.




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