13th of November - M I S E R A B L E .

It's already quite an old news but 2NE1 is crowned MTV IGGY's Best New Band in the WORLD! I also voted for them but not as crazy as Big Bang. Proud to be a Black Jack ! 2NE1 <3

I have a feeling 2NE1 and Big Bang are going to take over the music world soon.



I was never really superstitious. But is it really coincidence or bad luck since it's the 13th?

My Audition friend was going to have her wedding but I couldn't go because I thought I had to visit my grandmother. I gave up the hope of attending the wedding and I was finally feeling better after sulking for quite some time.

Then when I thought I got over it, my family cancelled the trip to visit my grandmother. I can't explain how I felt. My mind kept asking : Why the heck was the wedding on this day? Why didn't we cancelled the trip earlier? Why did this happen to me?

I felt miserable. I missed a chance. I missed everything.

Rain was pouring. My house experience black outs more than once. I guess the only good thing happened today that was I finished reading the fifth Harry Potter book.

I played the Guitar in Audition badly. I lost to people I never lost to and saw my ranking getting lower and lower. I missed notes like never before. I felt useless. I felt like strangling something. Something, not someone.

Is it because I'm lagging or I'm really just that bad. I couldn't even play well in the modes I'm better at. But still I tried to calm myself. I know I shouldn't get worked up over small things. I tried to be happy, because I know there are people who actually care.

Saying that I'm heart broken? Not entirely wrong too.

Dinner was delicious. I was enjoying ice-cream. Then I was told the date of my cousin's wedding dinner (UGH, I saw the word 'wedding' three times already) and it landed on the days of the event Comic Fiesta. At that moment, I thought I could cry.

FOR THREE FREAKING YEARS, I had missed CF, an event I would die to go to. And now you're telling me to keep that record, and increase it to FOUR YEARS? Heh, I don't want to go. I don't want. I don't want. I. Don't. Want.

I think I got my message clear. I hope it stays implanted in everyone's head.

Still, I guess I still did smile even on this horrible day. Friends, they're the best.

If I smiled, I must have cried. That's just how life works. Life works that way. Life is like that. Life is never fair. Life is miserable yet enjoyable.

Oh, the irony.


I know already. You don't have to say it again.

I know. I know it was like that from the beginning. But I'm a girl capable of hoping.

I'll just have to remind myself to stop.


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