
Let me just tell you that I'm so glad I'm still in one piece and grateful I'm still able to post this in my home.

Hmm, I just came back from a two-day trip with Form 5 students of my school and I felt like many days had already passed. Or maybe, weeks. I wonder will I feel like months have passed after my trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand that lasts for five days.

Maybe it's because I wasn't able to access to any Internet or computer so that's why I felt liked I neglected my blog, even if it was just for two days. Look at how sad the fact that our life is so dependent on technology.

I can't wait to continue reading the final book of Harry Potter.

I guess it's been a while since I went for vacations or trips, especially with my family. Well, maybe not that long. My last family vacation was in 2010 when we went to Beijing. I still remember how pissed off I was because I wasn't able to attend Comic Fiesta.

Anyway, I went to Legoland and other places with my schoolmates and I'll say, it's a great and fun experience. We went in a big group and it's really wonderful to spend time together with everyone. And because we graduated from secondary school already, there's this special feeling about this trip.

I really want to post about this trip but I didn't take much photos and am waiting for a friend to upload her photos. I'm also leaving to Thailand soon so I don't think I can finish up the post in time. Yes, I do want to write a lengthy post filled with details.

After my return from Thailand, I'll write two posts about my trip to both Legoland and Thailand. Oh, both destinations ends with 'land'. Then perhaps I should go to Iceland, Switzerland, or Greenland. Okay, I'm being lame here.

So yeah, my blog is not going to be updated for a probably a week. I'm announcing this because I'm afraid if there's anyone of you that keeps checking my blog for updates. Please do not miss me because I won't miss you because there will be lots of thoughts in my head when I'm on a vacation. Sorry if I broke anyone's heart.

I'm not used to short posts but I'll end it here, see you again soon. :)


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