End of 2012.

While my internet was down, my brother told me to play O2Mania, the offline version of O2Jam. Since I had nothing to do, why not?

Feels great to be hitting seven keys again. It takes a while to get used to it, but I definitely couldn't play like last time. I can't believe the 12 year old me could play better than the me now. When I was playing O2Jam, all my friends were 15 years old or above and they're all better than me. If O2Jam still existed, will I be able to play like them? Will I even play AuditionSEA?

Anyway, O2Jam's existence is totally wiped out, even in Korea, where the original game began. It's sad that it left me with nothing but memories. I regretted that I didn't download more songs in O2Mania, now files can't be downloaded and I'm stuck with very few songs to play.


Well, supposingly the world should have ended at the 21st but obviously nothing happened. It's stupid that a lot people believed and freaked out at 2011. I really wanted to laugh my head off at those people who expected that the sun would vanish for three days and three nights.

I would say the world WILL end sooner if the popularity of stupid people rises.

Okay, we should be thankful we're not dead yet and 2012 isn't the end. However, there are lots of endings to my life this year. Owhmaigawd, I can't believe it's already the 30th while I'm writing this. Time passes real fast, isn't it? And I felt like as I grow older, time passes even faster.

I always write this kind of post every year end. Hmm.

As I was saying I experienced many ends in my life. And yeah, they bought drastic changes to my life. I already accepted them and truthfully I wish I can forget them all. Life sucks, I know that already. Hmm, I guess it's a part of life and who knows what will happen next after I go to college or start working? Hmm.

I the biggest highlight is the end of my secondary school life. No more will I will be wearing school uniforms and things like that. But I had always been looking forward to graduate so I guess it doesn't bother me as much as others. I'm glad I'm growing up.

Another big blow to me will be the end of my dancing life, or it almost was. Since I sprained my foot, there are many moments where I think I will never dance again. I counted is as a loss, like how the world will suffer if it ends in 2012, my part of my life will end too.

I have been dancing since I was five, and my studio is already my second home. After I stopped dancing, I gradually lost all the strengths I had trained since I was five, so right now I'm in my weakest state. But one dear teacher bought me back, and I'm glad she went through all the trouble to do so, even when I had already given up myself.

The world didn't die on the 21st, but lives were still lost everyday. My dear dog, Millie unfortunately got hit by a car and passed away. She was so tiny, a miniature Pinscher. She wasn't really my dog, because we gave her to my neighbour. But she lived just a block away, so we could still see her. She will run back to my house now and then and now that she can't, I'm hope she lived a happy life with us. We pampered her a lot.

Hmm, there are ends to friendship and love. I'm not trying to sound pitiful but I'm scarred and hurt. I think it's hard to believe in people now, and I refuse to take further steps. In fact, I think I would prefer to be alone if I don't hate the feeling of loneliness.

It was also the end of Sword Art Online. LOL, this is just a useless piece of information.

I Googled for pugs because my class monitor always say he likes pugs. (ANOTHER RANDOM CRAP)

Hmm, in conclusion 2012 is a very sucky year. I'm glad it's over now and hopefully 2013 will be a better year. I don't really believe 13 is an unlucky number but we'll see. I'll take 2013 as a chance to start anew and live a better life, I guess.

So move aside 2012, it's time for 2013.


Shogo Makishima with a crime coefficient of 0.
A villain with a pure soul.
A person who can't be judged.

I think they didn't air Psycho-Pass this week and I'm really sad. I'm looking forward to more of Shogo. He's so mysterious.


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