Legoland Trip.

Let me tell you once again how glad I am that me and my family is safe before, during and after my holiday trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand.

After a 5-day trip to Thailand, I'm definitely glad I'm back at Malaysia. I didn't had a nice dinner, but yeah I'm okay. I really miss sleeping on my bed. The beds I slept at the hotels are nice and comfy but really, you can't compare with my pink bed.

I will post about my Thailand trip at the next post, so you'll read all about it later.


I guess you could call it a graduation trip because it's a trip that only Form 5 students went and we already graduated. It would be last trip before everyone get busy with lives and everyone will be separated heading to different colleges or even going overseas.

It was almost midnight when my mom sent me once again to my school. It doesn't look eerie to me even if it's dark, because there are other people around already waiting at the school gate. After saying goodbye to my mother, I got down the car and joined the others.

We're supposed to depart from our school at midnight to Johor. Rain begun to drizzle as more people arrived, carrying their luggage. We sheltered ourselves as we wait and everyone started to chat, asking about our current situation. After some time, a double-decker bus came and stopped in front of us. The organizer of our trip got down from it and asked us to hand our luggage to the driver behind the bus.

After everyone got into the bus and found their seats, the bus moved and we're on our way to Johor. It takes five to six hours to get to Johor, but the Legoland theme park only opens at ten, so in between our journey we had many pit stops. Not really a great idea, though.

The bus is actually spacious.

Sitting at the bottom deck, I was watching a Singaporean movie while others are trying to get some sleep. We stopped once during the movie and honestly, it was impossible to sleep while the audio was blaring and the screen was on and bright. By the time the movie ended, it always already three in the morning.

We had even more pit stops and I couldn't sleep at all. I wondered how my friend beside me managed to sleep, she slept the most among all of us. It was until five o' clock then I THINK I got some sleep for probably one or two hours.

We brushed our teeth and washed our faces at a coffee shop (Yes, we all cramped into a small toilet) and had our breakfast there. After that, we were finally heading to Legoland without stopping at anywhere. 41 one of us still had to wait in front of the entrance though, because it wasn't 10 yet.

Well, I feel excited like a little kid once I stepped into the grounds of the theme park. I think I could actually run all the way to the end of the park if I was alone. Of course, everyone was excited like me and everyone tried to stick together but it was clearly impossible. We were divided into groups and head our own ways.

Legoland isn't completely finished. There will be a Legoland water park by 2013 and a hotel in 2014, but I am already impressed by the theme park, because a lot of things are made out of legos or things like legos. I don't know, but I'm fascinated.

There are some thrilling rides, unlike what people said about Legoland is just for kids. Even if the theme park is for kids, I think adults will also be amazed by the decorations in Legoland. Come on, they build things with legos. HUGE things with just legos.

There was once when I'm still in primary school when my friend scared me with a book cover of Einstein sticking his tongue out. It still gives me the creeps whenever I see his face.

So yeah, I was going around the park with my group of friends and we had a great time. I'm satisfied with all the rides even if all of them aren't scary enough for me. Sorry, I'm not afraid of heights and roller coasters are  really more enjoyable than scary to me. So far the only ride I couldn't conquer is Space Shot in Genting Highlands. I should really try the roller coasters at other countries, hmm.

But I'm afraid of haunted houses or scary-themed rides so yeah, I'm not all that brave.

I reaaaaaally love this photo. Thanks to Xin Yi for being our photographer all day. :3

Legoland is a really beautiful place.

Queuing up for one of the many rides.

Well, we really tried to go for all the rides. It was a really sunny day and if you don't apply sunblock, be prepared to be burnt. It's Malaysia so of course it's friggin' hot. I'm really glad I bought my cap. My mother questioned me a lot about not wearing shirt with sleeves, but I'll roll them up anyway so it's the same for me.

My mother said I was pretending to be naive here, but I don't need to act to be naive. It's not something.. I'm proud of hmm.

The 4D movie was nice, but I had seen better.

In the end, we sat for all major rides except for two. We exited the park as we heard that others were already having lunch outside. We decided to do the same and we passed by the Miniland which displays buildings and monumens made out of legos. It is really nice but we didn't have the time to stop and take pictures of every one of them, sobs.

Legos, let me remind you, legos.

Some of the vehicles really move, though I don't know how. They don't seem to have wires.

While having our lunch, it rained a little. We wanted to go back into the theme park so we hoped that the rain would stop. It did stop and we did go back in, but then it rained heavily again and we were stuck at one place waiting for a ride. The ride was also closed so in the end we're all stuck, bored to death.

Kaya (Not her real name) is a fun person to be with. I'm glad she's on this trip.

At 3PM, we received a SMS from the others saying that we're about to gather and leave Legoland. It was still raining and there was still a bunch of us inside Legoland so they sent some people with umbrellas to fetch us out.

Helpless souls waiting to be rescued.

After we gathered and made sure everyone was there, we got on the bus continued our journey. Most of the people wanted to go straight to Kukup, where we'll be staying for the night but the girls at the bottom deck wanted to stop by at Johor's premium outlet. It's just a place for rich people to go shop for expensive brand items.

I went to many different shops with Kaya and shocked at how a simple looking accessory can cost RM45. Well, obviously we didn't buy anything and boy, was my legs tired. We got onto the bus again and finally we head to Kukup where our chalet is.

We had to walk for a distance before reaching our chalet because the road is just wide enough for people and motorbikes. It's just like another Pulau Ketam, where every building is built on stilts and located beside the sea. Our chalet is really great. Not really grand, but not shabby either.


We had a delicious dinner consisting fresh seafood and mouth-watering roasted chickens. Hmm, I really do miss those chickens. After having our dinner, we went to chose our rooms and unpack our luggage. Most of the boys are already turning on the karaoke machine and playing with the disco lights, while the girls wanted to take a bath.

It really felt like a disco party.

One room consist three queen-size double-decker beds, so it's kinda packed.

In the chalet, there are only three bathrooms that has hot water supplied to it. There are six cubicles that only has cold water and you'll have to wash yourself manually with a pail as there's no shower. They decided to let the girls take their showers with hot water and the boys with cold water. But I didn't want to wait, so a few of my friends and me went to the cubicles with the boys.

Well, the water is cold but it's okay after a while. I guess it's an experience to take a shower with probably five other guys in other cubicles around you and they just couldn't stop talking, haha. My friend was guarding my cubicle from outside and I did the same after my turn. It was really funny.

I don't remember exactly what happened after that. Some of the people were playing cards in their rooms, some of them probably was still eating, and there's also people in the living room singing karaoke. Then, my class assistant monitor called everyone out of the chalet. He had organized some games for all of us.

We're divided into five groups and there were two games. I was in the first group so my group always has to go first. The first game was passing seaweeds with only our mouth. We were the first group to try but we weren't the slowest. I had to transfer the seaweed to a guy so it was really awkward. I decided not to upload photos here.

The second game a little more harder and more awkward. They made a ping pong ball float up using a hair dryer and two people have to compete by sucking the ping pong ball with their mouth. My opponent was Xin Yi and I'm kinda glad it's her because we're both kinda lousy in the game. We kept laughing and laughing until finally I got the ping pong ball. Really, I couldn't stop laughing. I decided not to upload photos here, too.

EC demonstrating how to suck the ping pong balls.

In the end, Group 4 ended up as the losers and they were given a punishment. However, while preparing juice with a mixture of different vegetables including ginger, a spoon was left in the blender and it was accidentally turned on, breaking the blender from the insides. The losers were definitely happy but the girls weren't satisfied. They're prepared juices themselves and got their revenge.

It was almost 1AM when I returned to my room and slept. The others were singing karaoke until 3AM and I heard some of them sang until 4AM. I don't know, I'm tired and I don't sing karaoke so I slept earlier.


My friend woke me up and we all washed up ourselves. After we had our breakfast, we got on a boat and went to check out the mangrove swamps nearby. We had to cross a suspension bridge. Me and Kaya joked about how we're gonna jump on the suspension bridge to scare everyone.

Well, we walked a lot and deep into the swamps. It's just trees, trees, trees and more trees. We did spot some creatures like crabs, mud skippers and more trees. At the end, we reached an observation tower. I think it had five floors and I think you can spot different kinds of birds on each floor. I think I only spotted an eagle at the top floor.

I wanted to spot a wild boar. But I didn't. I was disappointed. My friends keep telling me there's no wild boars in a mangrove swamp. I ish sad. On our back we spotted more crabs, more mud skippers, and a monkey.

Observation tower.

After that, we went to visit one of the many fishing platforms(?). Basically it's a platform located in the middle of the sea where fishermen catch and rear their fishes. Two little boys told us hurry and get onto the platform and showed us various kind of fishes.

The one who explained everything was really just a small boy, probably still in primary school, if he attends school at all. He talks and acts like a boss, and we're all shocked and impressed by him. His elder brother is only 13 and they're already working as fishermen. Ahh, I guess we should be grateful for what we're having now.

Little boss showing us a baby shark.


Then, we returned to our chalet and had our lunch. After packing our luggage, we set off to return to Selangor. Before we got on the bus, we bought something like a toy you could say. It's like a stick and you apply a glue-like substance at the end. Then, you blow it from the other end and it will produce bubbles, except it won't pop immediately. I remember my aunt showing me this when I was younger.

Class monitor with his big bubble.

I want to buy caps like these.

Snowman created by Xin Yi and Kaya.

Along our journey, we stopped by a goat farm . It wasn't really a nice-smelling place. But I do think the goats are adorable, especially the baby ones. You can buy grass to feed the goats or milk to the younger ones, and it's fun to see the goats munching on grass. OMNOMNOMNOM.

Well, there are New Zealand goats and Indonesian (HAI SERUUUU) goats, if I'm not mistaken. They all look cute anyway. We saw a newborn goat that day, but because I walked too fast in front, I missed the moment when a goat actually gave birth way back behind. The students said it was disgusting, but I was disappointed I couldn't see it. After that they showed us how they milk goats.

They let us have some taste of goat milk and passion fruit juice. Both aren't really nice to taste if you ask me. We also bought some goat milk ice-cream. It's no different from normal ice-creams but we just like to eat ice-cream. Hmm, we also tried the lotions made out of goat milk.


We also stopped by at Malacca.  We hanged out for a while at the Christ Church and saw a couple taking wedding photographs. Everyone kept saying that the bridegroom is handsome but I thought that he was too short :D Anyway, congratulations to the newly weds.

Me and Xin Yi.

Then, we were given an hour to shop at Jonker Street. The street is most busiest during the weekends and lots of stalls are opened there but we were there on a Thursday, so we didn't get to see much. The stores close as earlier as 7:30PM.

I shopped with Xin Yi and Kaya and we bought ourselves a shirt and a key chain. It's the first time for me to shop and actually buy clothes with friends, so I'm happy. I bought the key chain that was my surname for my father because I was sure he would like it.

We had our dinner at a Nyonya restaurant later that night. I would suggest you not to go to that restaurant but I couldn't remember the name of the place. A poor girl spotted an insect inside her tofu and the water they served tasted like chlorine water from a swimming pool. Nevertheless, everyone chatted and had a great time.

After that we went straight back to Selangor without stopping at anymore places. On the bus, the girls at the bottom deck decided to gossip and talk about stuffs, mostly about love. A new couple in our school was just formed recently and they questioned the couple a lot and it's fun to see the two struggling to answer everyone's questions. May the new couple last long. It was also the first time I'm involved in a girl's talk. Hmm, interesting to hear the girls telling their stories and experiences.

The situation begun to be emotional when the bus dropped off my classmate at an area nearer to his house. All the girls at the bottom deck hugged him and we all shed tears. Yes, even I did. He's a fun guy to be with and I'm glad I was in the same class with him for two years. Thanks SQ, for the memories. :3

We finally reached our school entrance and everyone got down to get their luggage. I left immediately after I got mine and went back home. I heard from my friend that a lot of people cried (even the boys) because it would be the last time where everyone is together. I'm glad I left earlier, I don't want to cry.

Anyway, I would like to thank my classmates for inviting me to this trip and thanks to EC for making sure I had a spot in this trip. I'm happy that I spent great times with everyone and created wonderful memories. I do not think this is goodbye and I'm sure we'll meet again.

So, save your precious tears. 

Photos are taken from Xin Yi's and Kaya's camera. Thank you very much.


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