Life's Junction.

Well, obviously the picture above isn't a junction. It's a damn straight road. I want that girl's red Converse shoes.

I just passed a test for my driving lessons. In Malaysia it's known as the 'Undang-undang test' but it sounds weird if I say it in English, which will be 'law test'. Yes, it doesn't make sense so let's just call it a test.

I got a 42/50, just nice to pass it. Lower than that, I'll have to pay another extra RM50 and come back the next day, wait for another two hours and sit in the freezing room and answer 50 questions using the computer. Gah, I'm just glad I passed it in one shot. Both of my brothers failed for their first test. My mother is obviously happy about that.

It was a Saturday when I waited outside at one of the headquarters of the Perfect Driving Academy. Someone was supposed to pick us up but he was late for 15 minutes. By the time we reached the office of the main PDA, there was already so many people waiting to take their test.

I saw few of my schoolmates and yeah, we're all nervous. I took my test in English (You can take it in Malay) and I was hesitating to hit the 'OK' button after I answered the 50 questions. Poof, the screen asked me to go back to the counter, and it showed '42/50' few seconds later. Blargh, I was so relieved.

Then, I was rushing to attend the six hours talk of 'Teori dan Amali'. Sorry, I don't know how to translate that in English. Basically, it's just learning about the body parts of the car and what you should do before, during and after driving a car. It was boring. I slept in class.

I didn't even have enough time to have my lunch because I had to wait till almost noon before I got take my test and the talk started at 12. The instructor only gave us a 10 minutes break. I took 5 minutes to walk to 7-Eleven and 5 minutes to get back. I just ate bread. Some blueberry Gardenia bread, I think.

Anyway, ten days later I will get my L license then I am able to attend my first driving lesson. Hmm, I guess I am scared of learning to drive. It just feels weird when I have to sit on the driver's seat soon.


I don't know, I feel like posting Inori's picture.

Since the end of Form 4, people had already began asking me what I wanna do next after my SPM. My answer then is 'I don't know yet.' And if you asked me again after I finished my SPM, my answer will still be 'I don't know yet.'

Often counselors say it's common for students to have no idea what to do next but it's bothering me. I suppose what I decide to study now will definitely affect my future and I really can't afford to choose poor decisions at this point. After all, I'm not a kid anymore and I should really think about my life.

I am quite certain I don't want to deal anything with academics. Especially Maths. No, maths is a no-no.

So my mom bought me to the Facon Education Fair at Putra World Trade Centre at Kuala Lumpur. We followed my uncle and aunt, along with their son to PWTC after lunch and walked quite some distance before reaching the exhibition hall. A lot of people, as expected.

Owhmaigawd, I saw a foreigner wearing red converse shoes and I kept telling my mom I wanted it.

They cost more than a hundred ringgit, so I always hesitated to buy one.

While my cousin went with his father to enquire some information about his own studies, my mom and aunt followed me to ask about studying in Japan. You could say they did most of the talking, while I'm just listening to what they have to say. To be honest, I'm a little afraid to go overseas.

When a Japanese lady spoke Japanese to me after she knew I studied Japanese before, I freaked out. I was unable to answer as I haven't spoke Japanese for more than a year. She said my pronouncation is good, but it's just that I'm shy to speak. My mom just said that it's the other way around.

She gave me 5 yen (I'm not sure if its real, I never seen Japanese yen before) and said something like if fate will allow us to meet again at Jet Academy. I just remember saying 'Thank you' again and again in Japanese and bowing again and again.

Gah, then we asked local colleges/universities about the courses available and honestly at that point I don't know what I wanted to study. It was then a lecturer at Lim Kok Wing university counselled me, then I have clearer idea of things.

Then, the CEO of Saito College also talked to us (mainly my aunt and mom) and blah blah blah. You could say both aims of these two college and university is different. So, my mom and aunt were discussing a lot while I listened to them.

We didn't dwell long at the booth of The One Academy. I kept looking at the TV displaying a person colouring while my mom and aunt asked for more information of the courses. So yeah, you could say there's not much difference if I didn't go. But I have to listen so I have to go.

In the end, I decided to go for Multimedia and maybe decide a degree later on. I haven't decide what college or university though. I don't know if I will be interested in Animation, hmm. It looks complicated but, I don't know. Haha, I'm still saying 'I don't know'.

After that we left and ate some bread containing some ham and some cheese that my uncle bought at the fair. It was tasty, made by some students of some culinary school. Gah, I was already tired (listening all day) and bought back a lot of bags that the universities or colleges gave. They could be used as recycling bags.

Hi, this the face of the owner of this blog. Soon, I'll be sitting at the driver's seat and you won't get to see these kind of pictures anymore. 


I just bought a new keyboard that my friend (*\;chan/*) recommended for me. You could say I searched high and low for it. I guess it's too outdated that all the stores don't sell it anymore. I was damn lucky, I managed to find it at AEON (Used to be Jusco) and it was the last one.

I wasn't really happy seeing the price of it though, but I bought it anyway.

Then my happiness got sucked of me again when I found out that my PC didn't have a PS/2 port. I sat at ground looking at the back of my PC, hoping a PS/2 port will appear magically if I stared at it long enough. I couldn't wait anymore, I dragged my mom out to buy an adapter.

My happiness got drained dry when I went to different stores, only to find out that they don't sell it. It was the last PC store at Tesco where I managed to bought one. I was so relieved. My mother said that this keyboard was making our life so miserable.

Well yay, my perfects in BU did improve but I couldn't hold long notes in Guitar and I have problem spamming control in BR. It sounds so stupid.

I'M NOT A NOOB. (Yes, I'm talking to you. Stop laughing.)

I like my couple memo very much HAHAAHAHAHAH. 
And look it's the shiny Rosemary ring ;luv


I'm already posting so many content in this post but I just have to say it. I think Mana Ouma doesn't deserve attention as she should be in Guilty Crown. After all, she is the first person to be infected by the Apocalypse Virus.

Without her existence, Yuzuriha Inori wouldn't exist either.


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